
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago

For some reason I was just thinking about DKR yesterday. I would love another one! I had way more fun with it than MK due to the story mode and open world.

[–] 6 points 2 years ago (2 children)

If your 401k, Roth IRA, and Traditional IRA are all maxed out… A) great job! and B) put it into a regular investment account (not recommending Robinhood, but that’s the easiest example). There’s no max on that.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

Thanks for your follow up comment because this post is more like a YSK: You Should Learn How to Budget From Somewhere But Not This Post

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

Cheers to that!

[–] 7 points 2 years ago (4 children)

I agree that the joycons suck. On the upside, I replaced the sticks on both of mine for approximately $20 with parts on Amazon. Came with the screwdrivers and everything. Each one took about 20 minutes. I’m not forgiving Nintendo for making bad controllers, but being so easy to repair for so cheap… it’s worth doing it yourself just so you can play TotK.

[–] 9 points 2 years ago

Relevant username


I don’t know how many others have this issue, but ever since dev beta 1 I’ve been missing texts left and right. No notifications sometimes, perfectly normal notifications others. It’s definitely a bug, but I believe I found the issue and workaround.

If your phone is on mute (with the side switch), your watch doesn’t sound OR vibrate when a text message comes in. If your phone’s sound is turned ON, then your watch will vibrate or sound when a text comes in (whichever you have the watch set to) and your phone will stay silent.

So I guess the workaround is to leave your sound on, on the phone, all the time so that way your watch can deliver notifications…

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

Get rid of everything you can! Books can be checked out from the library, and records probably don’t get listened to (if you use them, maybe keep the most used ones?).

It won’t help you today, but in my closet I chose a pair of shorts I don’t wear anymore and put them in the furthest right spot. Any article of clothing I wore and washed got placed directly to the right of the shorts. After a year (all 4 seasons) anything still on the left side of the shorts got thrown out or donated. It was a surprising amount of clothes.

Everything is replaceable, so give yourself a little leeway and while you’re hating your belongings trim down what you can. If you HAVE to replace something later, at least you tossed out dozens of other items that you otherwise wouldn’t have if you didn’t do this!

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I’ve done two dungeons in TotK but I’ve spent 95% of my time exploring around. It’s the most fun I’ve had doing absolutely nothing story related! I rented Pikmin 1 and found it too hard with the time constraints (if I recall correctly), but later played 3 and loved it, so it’ll be good to dive back into that world.

The PSVR2 is full of pros and cons. It has mostly smaller games I would say, but that actually doesn’t impact my enjoyment like I thought it would. These small games are still brilliant, even if they aren’t God of War sized. Smaller scope can still be wonderful. My issue is comfort I guess. I have to wear a beanie to keep it from sliding down my head (it’s either that or tighten so much I get a migraine in 2 minutes, no exaggeration). Discovering the beanie trick helped my enjoyment a ton, but it’s still a device you have to wear on your head. It has weight to it and it gets warm with a beanie in summer and I can’t toss it on just anytime like I can pull my Switch out. So much less convenient! I just can’t play PSVR2 like I can play games without a headset.

That being said, I still think it’s a stellar device! Harder to recommend than a console, because cost and inconvenience, but still super cool. Unfortunately I don’t see myself putting in the time to make it worth $500, but if you like Gran Turismo it’s a really excellent way to play that game. People who enjoy GT freaking adore it in VR.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago

Just started with a new company and was told that we have quarterly reviews and requested I start working toward getting the AWS Solutions Architect certificate. I kinda hate it, but he also seems like a really nice guy and wasn’t the one that came up with the idea of quarterly reviews for the entire company.

Definitely don’t look forward to future reviews where I actually have to give updates and have “met goals” and such.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

That was great! I just followed these instructions.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I would loooove if we could get top down Zelda games occasionally between BotW-style games. Like how we get 2D and 3D Mario games. I definitely don’t need an Ocarina of Time type of Zelda anymore though. That version aged and doesn’t hold up very well anymore IMO.

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