Boycott what you don't like. Vote with your money.
Haven't spent money in a Starbucks for over a decade...nor fast food chains, nor Walmart.
Did do a few Amazon purchases a few years ago and I still feel guilty about it.
Boycott what you don't like. Vote with your money.
Haven't spent money in a Starbucks for over a decade...nor fast food chains, nor Walmart.
Did do a few Amazon purchases a few years ago and I still feel guilty about it.
Latinos are the new "black".
Getting pulled over for DWB (Driving While Black) is a new concept for them.
Welcome to the club.
One of my friends acts almost exactly like this.
He is not an awful human being, but he isn't the greatest either.
I've learned that he has to reach conclusions on his own and will seldom accept advice or constructive criticism. Sometimes it takes literal years for him to come to the same reasonable conclusion to a problem that I offered to him.
He is a brat. The culture he came from allows the eldest male in the family to act out however they want because they will become the leader of the family later on. So it's best to let them do what they want in fear of later retaliation.
But seriously...he is an entitled brat. Love the dude, but reality just hits him differently.
Long time ago Ally McBeal aired an episode where everyone had a problem with a dude dating a trans person (not sure if the nomenclature).
They all had a problem with her having a dick. The dude dating her didn't have a problem with it. But somehow everyone made it into a problem where there wasn't one before.
I just don't understand how or why it was anyone else's business to begin with. Culture social whatever nonsense reason they used to get involved was weak and shallow.
Kinda showed how people will rationalize sticking their nose in where is doesn't belong.
Stop reading my mind!
"I suddenly feel very sick."
The pizza inexplicably gets tossed in the garbage and he's homeward bound...
Can't imagine how many bad ideas get started because "the readings were right"...
Carrots improve eyesight...nah, just military misinformation that is now a staple for parents to get their kids to eat their carrots
The ocean is beyond beautiful. Spent some time on the shores of NC and VA...
Started studying marine biology due to the oceans vast amount of mystery...Now it's "The ocean is beyond beautiful and just as deadly."
' "Uncontrollable" feelings of anxiety or depression' isn't normal.
Everyone has had anxiety and/or been depressed before. It's when it doesn't go away shortly after feeling it that it is a real problem.
Diana from YT Physics Girl has long COVID. Her very loving husband takes care of her. We all wish them the best and any kind of recovery.
One of my buddies was recently complaining about "free speech" on Reddit.
Told him it's a company and not the government, so free speech doesn't count there. He hated that.
Told him if he didn't like it to use Bluesky...he's a staunch