About time. On that note: required viewing: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/plastic-wars/ enlightening…
Futurists look to reach the singularity and Evangelists look to invoke the rapture. Not everything any group looks to do is actually practical.
That’s actually kinda funny coming from him. Maybe he has given in to the violence now?
Let’s say Don is now supportive of medical assistance (MAID) in dying. That’d be a better way to look at it. I wonder if that became a point of discussion whether he could actually be persuaded to support it. Although, there is an issue with some medical assistance in dying policy being too lenient, so not sure how to thread that needle.
First gender affirming surgery was 1930 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/ A little more than a few years ago…
Hmmm, can anyone guess what they will call Windows after Windows 12 comes out?
It’s about Swift and not one of the richest people in the world who lives in the kleptocracy that passed this legislation and historically has made a big fuss over this issue?
Now I’m even less likely to watch the video. Panned over to 12:38. That is a pretty egregious error. Either they are incompetent and their opinions aren’t too valuable, or intentionally trying to mislead the now over 1.4million people who have watched that video. This seems like they tried to cherry pick a stat that bodes in favour of their argument and biffed it. Lots of people are still immigrating to Canada, so definitely far more than “no one” wants to live in Canada. https://www.statista.com/topics/2917/immigration-in-canada/
I see no citations in the video description and I’m not too interested in listening to their argument if they can’t provide those citations up front. The only measure they seem to be appealing to in order to support their claim that “no one wants to live in Canada” is that Canada has lowered in happiness index. But, by that measure Canada is 15th in the world and USA is 23rd. So, if that’s the main reason to think people don’t want to live in Canada, then people really don’t want to live in the USA. On its face, that strikes me as exceptionally untrue.
This article is from January. It has since been peer reviewed and published in Cell. But, having been peer reviewed has no bearing on reproducibility unless within this study they were to have multiple independent groups repeat their experiments. Which I don’t think they did. Still, good study I think.