That... has nothing to do with the linked article. What specific policy is being talked about in the article, and who is supporting that policy only to get hurt by the policy itself applying to them?
Hang on. Schumer is a fucking coward, no argument from me there. But who's the leopard here, whose face is getting eaten, and what is the actual face being eaten?
"Senator Elon Musk" is ambiguous phrasing. Obviously, what is meant is "Senator [that] Elon Musk", but it could also have been calling Aparthiedman himself a senator.
Man, I was just thinking last night that at least Pelosi never publicly capitulated like this, and then realized how absurd it was that I was yearning for the good old days of fucking Pelosi.
If you don't have at least a million dollars, can you even be considered human? /s
At least they owned the libs!
Steward, who voted for Trump for president in three straight elections, said she believed job cuts would focus on early retirements and workers who underperformed.
So basically, "hE's NoT hUrTiNg ThE rIgHt PeOpLe!!!!!111" Cry me a fucking river, lady.
Corporate media doesn't give a shit, this is easy soundbites for them.
This is one smol elephant, to be at eye level with Claudius.
But he was gonna lower egg prices! 🙄
As a Cali expat in Washington I approve of this.
Per the sidebar for this community, "leopards ate my face" is a metaphor specifically for the 2-part case of:
So, once again, what specifically is this article saying that Schumer supported, and how is he now being oppressed by it? Because younger Democrats giving him shit for enabling fascism isn't actually oppression.