My first zigbee device was Sylvania (73685) rgbw led strip. On it's own it worked fine but once I started trying to add sengled zigbee bulbs I kept having problems with pairing the bulbs or keeping them connected. Zigbee uses 2.4ghz so I thought maybe interference so lowered power output on wifi AP 2.4ghz band & even turned it off for testing but didn't help. I think I read somewhere that sylvanias caused that problem. I unplugged sylvania led strip, reset & rejoined everything else and had zero problems. Tried to add the sylvania back in and disconnect problems came back after awhile. It was past the return period so now I keep it unjoined and plugged into a zigbee smart outlet. I sometimes have to remove power from it to join new devices or when I restart zigbee controller. Currently have mix of sengled bulbs, thirdreality plugs, sonoff plugs & sensors, and single aqara tvoc all working together fairly reliably.
I'd recommend using distro you know best and/or most prefer to work with. I use the flatpak install of Jellyfin Media Player but there are also deb files available.
I'm currently using minipc with Intel n5105 (or something similar) for 1080p HTPC. Debian 12 OS with auto-login & Jellyfin Media Player starting at login. I control it with pepper jobs RF remote but also have a logitech wireless keyboard+touchpad for it. Keyboard+touchpad come in handy when browsing media sites on firefox but some might restrict quality. Some of the newer minipc's I tried required adding backports repo to install newer kernel for wifi to work. I had been playing with Debian a lot when I set up first one & been using clonezilla to image them so it's stuck.
Ordered a gmtek n97 minipc to play with and should have it in about a week. Going to test it out with 4k but it's not a deal breaker for me if it cannot handle that well enough.
You can try seeing if you can set the speed/duplex of NIC/ports manually if auto-detection keeps getting it wrong.
Unifi I like the APs for mesh & multiple SSID+vlans but I keep them on dedicated vlan with zero internet access because I don't trust that I properly followed instructions to disable opted in analytics/telemetry. The mgmt software is alright but new UI wastes a lot of space. The PoE switch was alright until it stopped being able to keep a config last year. USG router I kept less than a year because it was too slow with any useful features enabled. I've glanced around at replacement APs here & there but pretty much waiting until I have more wifi 7 compatible devices and that'll be another couple years.