
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 68 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I think one of the absolute stupidest things about this when it comes up is that when these same people get let out of prison they can’t even get the job of fire fighter because of their criminal record.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago

I still miss that magazine. It was freakin’ awesome.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

Well, that sucks. Oh well.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I mute ads when I can’t ship them and I’m not walking away to get something. They’re so loud. 🔇

[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 months ago

It means they have main character syndrome.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

How will this not get shut down by Nintendo’s rabid legal department? I swear I’ve already seen them do this to other similar projects.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

What a fucking wierdo.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 7 months ago

No, GM owns Chevrolet, GMC, and Cadillac.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Watching them trying to bust unionization efforts in their shops just totally turned me off the brand. I haven’t been into one of their shops or bought any of their products at retail since.

At this point I’ve found better local places but mostly I just got used to making my own iced coffee and it would be silly to bother going back.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Such brilliant minds are truly beyond our understanding, clearly.

The neat thing is that if you have a 401k or mutual funds or whatever there’s a good chance your money voted to give this fuckwit his 56 billion. Looking at you, Vanguard.


Hi. I’m trying to find the part of the hood latch which has the spring and screws into the hood. Mine was barely functional and now gets stuck so bad every time no matter what I do. The latch mechanism works fine, the part I need to replace is simply bent and should have been replaced back in the day when the hood got replaced.

Any one got a not-bent spare, know where could find it or just know what the actual part number is? I’ve found it in parts diagrams only to find the actual list just skips it completely with no details. Dug up nothing online so far and my neck of the woods has no good matching parts cars in the local you-pull it type parts.


Hey, so I’m tight on funds and decided to try replacing my cracked radiator myself. Anyway as I’m in the middle of hooking up the new one I noticed this part that’s wrapped up in duck/speed tape.

Should I be concerned about this? I think I may have noticed this years ago before I knew that this kind of tape is pretty combustible/flammable.


This was the first thing I ever posted on Reddit. Now that I'm here, I thought I'd throw this up somewhere.

So, I don't work in retail anymore, but I did it for 10 and a half years up until the start of ~~last year ~~ 2014 and this event still stands out at me though some details are a little fuzzy.

It was probably maybe five years ago, I was working checkout, the photo counter, and who knows what else random task they had thrown at me, pretty much typical. Big huge sales floor in a Drug store and it would usually just be one clerk and one supervisor working the whole front end.

Our doors were the kind that slide sideways apart from each other. They were old and crappy, always either letting casper come and go, clapping to show how happy they were or just sitting there all like "What now? you wanted to go somewhere?" and no number of calls to the door company ever changed this.

Anyway, there I was in my tacky vest minding my own damn business getting it done and smiling at all the people pretending I like my job when I get this one customer who just comes up to me and starts chewing me out about how we never have something, or some other such complaint. Whatever it was I just remember it being really unbelievably uncomfortable and know I tried to ask if she would like to speak to a manager or something but she was just at the point of rage and anger and I don't want help I want to punish you.

Then she huffs off and says she's never going to come into the store again and marches to the door. This is where the door decides that it is its duty to make sure this customer does not leave because clearly, I wanted this situation to go on longer. The door doesn't register the customers existence on this plane. It has closed its electronic eye in some sort of vile game of peek-a-boo as if for this moment it wanted to make me have to approach this raging anger fest of person so I could get burned again.

I was desperate for this to end. She turned to me and yelled about how her exit was being thwarted by our poltergeist infested doors.

My instant reaction was to put my hands together as if I were readying to separate invisible automatic doors manually and made the motion of moving my hands apart and then I said it. "just push them open.." push... not slide... push. WHY did I even do this... I should have just rushed over and opened them like I would have on any other day.

This is where I explain something else about the doors: Sliding Automatic doors are typically also hinged. You see, the panels of glass that they slide behind are also actually hinged doors. When the doors are off, you can slide them open a couple inches, flip out the outer glass panels as hinged doors, and then push the sliding doors all the way open and then swing them open for a super mega huge opening through which you can run a car through or any other object which doesn't typically move through the doors under normal operations. It's also handy for cleaning glass doors while continuing to let people enter and exit.

So she pushed. She put her palms up flatly against the doors and pushed outward. The doors popped outward, not only did they pop out but they of course, caused the side panels to pop open. To the customer this was a most alarming event. She stepped back utterly aghast at what had just happened, as if somehow she thought she just broke the whole door frame. It did make quite a grinding noise as the bottom of the door scraped on the pavement outside.

So what did I do now? I bust up in a nervous hysterical laughter. I didn't know what to do so my brain just said "Hey! let's laugh our asses off at this angry customer's embarrassed expression! This simply genius action will go over ever so swell!" "HAHAHAHAH AHAHA AHHA!!!!!! Oh @#$!" I was now staring at her thinking "What the f*?" I suddenly got this utterly huge pit in my stomach like I had just committed one of the most deadly sins possible.

So the customer just turns around, and runs, not walks, but runs out the store to her car and jets out of the area.

I peered around and noted that other than the angry customer, no one at all was anywhere near the front to witness this happen. So, I walked up to the doors, slammed them back into their tracks and then... they opened.

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