I dunno. I use it since I can and (at least for me) it's awesome. Finally fresh posts from little communities besides the big ones, far more diversity. I love it.
This read/unread thing is broken on the web frontends and e.g. in Sync too since the v0.19 server updates.
After your 30th orgasm on a day it starts to lose its appeal.
Figma sounds a LOT like "fityma" in my language, which means foreskin.
I'm really surprised.
That's what I did what you suggested in your Edit.
I was looking for the option since Sync was supposedly updated to handle v0.19 and a handful of instances were already on that for weeks now. Never found the option. I just hoped a fix will come until my main instance is upgraded.
But anyway, the main thing I can use it with this workaround.
Fucking legend.
Never bothered to learn how, now I know. Hopefully I will remember it too.
For the curious:
! [Something goes here to prevent autoformatting
] (urltoyourpic.jpg) but in one line and without any spaces and words
I'm also too lazy to look up how to escape special characters so Sync doesn't format them to interesting other things.
Fuck this
Oh, yeah, we use that too. It's absolutely contextual, on the highway we use it for what you described.
Believe it or not, jail.