Oh I see, you are right, thanks.
That is a very positive way to say "the oldest person in the world died"
You know what would be great? A good year for everyone who is not filthy rich.
Dann, they can have so many avocado toasts.
Your scientists were so preoccupied with canned chicken, they didn't stop to think if they should chicken.
Single moms these days need to start pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. What I would do if my rent was tripled, is just reduce my avocado toast intake by 30% and go on a nice vacation with all the additional money I saved up.
The closest is Arkansas which starts with an "A". Which is pronounced similar to an "A".
That is disgusting! Why would you even post something like that? There is no way milk with mushrooms tastes good.
Step 1: make coffee Step 2: ice it
That is very interesting. Never really thought about that.