ah yes, bombing strategies to avoid the Tesla factories.
some important work
ah yes, bombing strategies to avoid the Tesla factories.
some important work
You understand, our of our traveling group my father, at the time 75, was the only one singled out for enhanced search.
The immigrantion and TSA are not the brightest, it's security theater & they need stats.
stories like this are now coming into the spotlight because white people are also getting the treatment everyone else has gotten up until now....and it's a shock to them.
I would advise against traveling to the US.
Fallas 2025 kicked our asses in the restaurant all day yesterday.
but, on the other hand:
they'll just replace it with a statue of trump made out of butter
Huh.... they're going to call what he does 'regulation'?
Who the fuck is going to enforce it? The USDA has been gutted...
fucking lol
2x Papillon, fantastic movie
Being There (Peter Sellers)
Eating Raul
also check out 'the thin man's series, private detective duo, black and white and just....charming to watch.
Dead men don't wear plaid
Logan's run
La Cage aux folles (the original french version of Robin Williams' The Birdcage)
Altered States
Pee Wees Big Adventure!
He says it almost as if voting won't make a difference anymore....like....almost
where are all the Genocide Joe boycott the Dems voters at?
because fuck you assholes