
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

The problem was that I underestimated just what a vast gulf of time 15,000 years is. For one I was struggling to fill in all that time with events

Then don't fill in all that time? You can leave periods open or unmentioned, you don't need details everywhere.

for two I realized that this knowledge preserving group would have had to existed for way longer than I was originally envisioning

Depending on your depiction of Elves the effect is the same (provided the group is Elves) because they're often predicted as just slower/more leisurely in their approach to life (although I'm not sure what you mean by the statement in the first place, because something being older than you intended doesn't sound like an actual problem).

Not only would they be older than the Jewish religion, they would be older than ancient Sumer. In fact you could take the entire history of the beginning of the Sumerian empire to the present day and fit it into that span of time twice over.

You could, yes. Here's the thing: history doesn't have to happen. You are the worldbuilder, you can easily say there was a long period of nothing at times, or a period where record-keeping gets mixed-up/distorted/unreliable (but earlier periods still manage to maintain their connection more readily, this has happened several times in real life if you care a lot about realism).

In the end I had to invent empire C, which refurbished some of empire B’s infrastructure before collapsing themselves, as the actual origin for the knowledge keepers. And even with that I still had to move the timeline up by thousands of years.

That seems entirely like a 'you' decision. There's nothing here that sounds like a problem long-lived species caused. You could've easily just said empire B lasted longer or managed to revitalize itself temporarily (as the Roman empire did and the Byzantine empire did many, many times) or any other number of solutions like a golden age, a period of upheaval and warfare with another empire that empire B ultimately wins, or you could just leave the entire extra period of time unmentioned/undetailed. None of this seems relevant to long-lived species though, since as a long-lived species you can just drag out their periods of history (a good ruler will be a good ruler for a lot more years and their nation is more resistant to change just because people with the ability to change (or not change) things stick around longer). That would even be very realistic for a long-lived species.

The problem with that is that it would really change the dynamic of how non-elf civilizations would develop. Unless the elves are extremely insular, and even then. How do you have a plotline involving the player characters needing to delve into an ancient tomb in order to discover whether or not the current ruling family are the legitimate heirs of the kingdom when you can just ask an elf? How does the world get into that situation in the first place when you can just ask an elf?

Do you trust any old man you meet on the street? If an old WW2 veteran suddenly starts yelling about how he met Hitler and totally knows the names of every member of his administration (thereby potentially allowing you to hunt down some war criminals), do you just believe him at his word? For one, senility can affect Elves just as easily as any other race, and the effect would possibly be way worse given they can be senile for much, much longer. For two, Elves don't necessarily have a better memory than Humans. As time marches on, their memories can distort, be forgotten, and fade. For three, hostility and lies exist. Even if your kingdom is egalitarian and mixed races, individuals have their agendas. The word of a person is extremely tenuous, and you could easily have Elves saying opposite things. One Elf says the hero is the heir to the kingdom, but also this Elf happens to be a close family friend and has been for generations. Another Elf says the hero is not the heir, but also this Elf happens to be the godfather of the person who would be king otherwise. You can include any number of Elves and just split them into factions because popularity is fallacious and not real evidence.

And, as an alternative point to your earlier point, Elves being around and supportive would mean the empire lasts longer. The conditions for major upheaval like a succession crisis would be rarer specifically because an Elf could be around to make sure there's no issues, thus solving your issue of needing an empire C... or on the other hand an Elf could make things a lot worse if they liked and people trusted them. Elves don't have to be good-intentioned.

And a fourth point, Elves may not care/notice at all. If the Elves are insular and live in the woods they're extremely unlikely to bother remembering the Human king, after all he only lives like a scant 100 years at most so why even know his name? Barely an associate. Even if there's good relations, Elves could easily see Humans as 'all the same' i.e. it doesn't matter who's in charge and they'll just support the least-likely to cause problems (even if that happens to be the wrong heir or someone who would be bad for the humans).

I could probably think of a lot of other ways to solve these issues, but point is when worldbuilding you can solve a lot of problems with a lot of different solutions. Yes, you can just get rid of long-lived species if you like. You can also modify the world to match the fact near-immortals exist and I don't think it's that hard. It's your decision, ultimately, but there's a lot of ways to solve it.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 months ago (3 children)

I don't think that necessarily takes away from the grandeur of something. If you want something truly ancient and out-of-touch, you can easily just set it 15,000 years ago instead of 1,500 and no player will bat an eye or even notice, and the elves' lifespan gives an easy 'this is why they remember and are still more knowledgeable with this ancient civilization than other races'.

It's also not any less awe-inspiring to have people who lived in an important time period. We still have living veterans of WW2, and WW2 is no less important or intriguing (as evidenced by the number of historian hobbyists who love to talk about all the details of WW2).

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

The biggest missed opportunity this century.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

I hope they've gone further towards the old combat style and stealth gameplay. I never liked the new one of just being an 'assassin' by openly running through a fort and stabbing each enemy with spastic animations until their arbitrary and chonky healthbar depletes.

[–] [email protected] 25 points 10 months ago

While true, it's stupid that things are that way. They shouldn't be able to hide behind the idea that "we're not responsible for what our users publish, we're more like a public forum" while also having total ownership over that content.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 10 months ago

Helldivers 2 uses nProtect GameGuard, which is a notorious kernel level anticheat. It is notorious for being problematic to uninstall and causing issues on systems it is installed in (such as straight up preventing some programs from running or causing them to crash and other terrible nonsense that should never happen). Combine that with the fact it's ineffective and the game is PvE, and it's nonsensical why it's around.

[–] [email protected] 69 points 10 months ago (9 children)

Well, they said they would 'discuss' the crappy anticheat too, but so far nothing has been done about that either. I won't hold my breath.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago

I hope for your personal consistency that you then are also okay with a woman in a hijab creating educational videos for youtube.

Yeah. That's exactly what I was saying. You are correct, I am completely okay with that.

It is absolutely not okay for a teacher to tell unasked, or to tell children about the belief system / cult they are a part of.

I disagree. It's perfectly fine for someone to give a sort of disclaimer as to what they believe in and other things like that. The issue is when they start preaching what they believe in without warning while supposedly teaching a different subject.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago (2 children)

While it's true that linear algebra and vectors are used in learning models, they're not using the term correctly in a way that says they know something about the subject (at least, the modern subject). Concepts aren't embedded as vectors. In older models (before the craze), concepts were manually embedded as numbers or a collection of numbers, which could be a vector (but could be something else as well), and the machine would learn by modifying weights. However, in current models (and by current, I mean at least more than a couple years), concepts are learnt by the machine (weights are still modified by the machine as well) and the machine makes its own connections between features presented to it.

For example, you give it a dataset of 10x10 pixel images (with text descriptions) and it reads that as 100 pixels split into 3 numbers (RGB) and then looks for connections between those numbers and in which pixels. It's not identifying what a boob is, but knows that when an image has 'boob' in the text description then there's a very high likelihood that there will be a circular collection of pixels with lots of red somewhere in the image that are also connected to other pixels that are often also lots of red. That's me breaking down what a human would think given the same task/information, but the reality is the machine will come up with its own connections/concepts which are both often far better than humans (when the model works, at least) and far more ineffable to humans.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 11 months ago (27 children)

I was not expecting this amount of hate over this video when I clicked on this post. The video is... normal? I don't see issues? This whole thread seems oddly anti-military, anti-tech, and anti-Mark Rober. Like, what, is this tech going to be used to murder children more effectively than bombing a school? Even if it is, why is Mark Rober at fault and actually a phony who's just shelling out for fame/cash? I'm genuinely curious what I'm missing here.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 11 months ago (2 children)


There are crazies in every religion, and even agnostics and atheists have their fair share of crazies that go too far. It's also not a great idea to just not expose kids to religious folk (even if that was conceivable, which it's not given how many people are religious) and it's not a great idea to demand they keep it private. Preaching is too far, but it's perfectly acceptable for a teacher to tell their students what the teacher believes in and to wear iconography like a necklace of Jesus on the cross. In fact, I would much rather they be extremely public about what they believe in rather than be silent about it.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 11 months ago

@surely_not_a_bot will remember that

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