
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 1 points 20 hours ago

They're already in here steering the conversation completely in a different direction

[–] 1 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Zionism is just the basic fact that the Jewish people deserve to have a state to live in. Zionism has been thrown around as a buzzword forever and it's not wrong to say that Jews deserve to have a state to represent them. Now currently is what Israel doing ok? Fuck no. But you're not gonna fucking sit in here and conflate this bullshit as if the liberals are responsible for Israel doing what it's doing. They aren't.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago

This right here

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

??? You guys already starting the misinformation station? Gtfo of here and grow up.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

Preferred to Canada??? The entire nation? Obviously If the riding you're in is a CPC/NDP battle ground you should vote NDP, and if it's a LPC/CPC battleground then you shouldn't vote split and go liberal. This is very basic shit. Grow up.

What're you gonna say next? that because trump said he would prefer dealing with a liberal that it's true?

[–] 13 points 1 day ago

I'm sorry but the liberals are pretty clear that healthcare should be public....and free at use.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

The preferred candidate for Canada ATM is Mark Carney. Period. You wanna be a whiney little bitch keyboard warrior go right ahead and continue blaming all your problems on the government

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (3 children)

You are literally describing the fucking conservatives with that. Their entire fucking campaign leading up to this moment was: WeRe NoT JusTiN. Lmao

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Bruh you sound like you will never be fucking happy lol. You are arguing against the liberals for.... Doing stuff the NDP agree with? Wtf is this? You sound like you basically just want the conservatives to win because I'm sorry but the NDP ain't getting many seats this election and the closest thing to the NDP right now are the liberals. You want to whine and complain about shit that's actually being DONE? Whine about what ifs and about how it's not PERFECT? I'm sorry to burst your bubble baby but nothing is perfect. The enemy of good is perfect

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (4 children)

How has the liberals programs like childcare, the first home savings account, the middle class tax cut, the raising of taxes on the wealthiest, the school foods program, the deals struck with multiple auto makers to build evs and their batteries here in Canada, investments into critical mineral extraction, enhancing trade tie with Europe and South East Asia, and the Trans mountain pipeline, LNG projects bad for the working class again? ThE cARbOn tAx?

[–] 9 points 1 day ago (20 children)

You're talking about a foreign issue that is not Canada's number one pressing issue at the moment. Conflating it with the liberals who have the best chance at defeating the conservatives who will sell out our country, to the USA, who is also currently aiding the genocide and horror happening in Gaza and Israel right now...

Like how well did it turn out for the NoT VoTinG KaMalA crowd because they thought she would be terrible for Palestine? Don't be dumb.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (27 children)

It's so obvious that Canada and the liberal party isn't supportive of Israel doing what they're doing.... Wtf are you talking about?

Don't be that left leaning douche bag that thinks that unless everything is done perfectly to a tee with what YOU want to see, that it isn't worth voting for. The NDP has great ideas and we owe them for pushing the liberals to get dental care and pharma care done ... But Jesus Christ the foreign interference is strong with you


We have yet another example of the conservatives having only short term gain and quick profits on their mind. Turner and the liberals were right when they said that we have been building this country east to west for a century plus, and that we should have continued doing so. And now we are seeing Turner's predictions coming true, and a conservative sold us the fuck out and took the easy way Instead of nation building.


Just saw this groups and on YouTube and it was fucking rediculous. Literally had a picture of Justin when he was younger and then phased in a picture of Carney right over him🤡.

This group is a western separatist group who wants to see YOUR tax dollars from Sask and Alberta put into: ThE BuFfALo PEnsioN PlaN.

I wouldn't be surprised if Danielle or road kill Moe is behind this absolute bullshit. All they do is whine on it about the money Alberta has sent to the federal government.... As if we don't all do that? It's called fucking taxes? And then complains about how Ottawa has kneecapped the Oil and Gas industry. As if they didn't buy a fucking pipeline and help a LNG exporting project in BC gain its footing. Albertans reading this, do you really want to continue letting that sack of horseshit ruin your province?


We were complicit in letting people bully trudeau out of office. But honestly how could any Canadian with half a brain not see that the liberals led by Mark Carney is the best choice for us in this Turbulent time. I could never see the Conservatives showcasing their values like this, it just screams Canada

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