So fucking sad
How selfish conservatives and gullible people can be.
The one thing I wish would stay is the 66% capital gains over $250000 a year. That tax would impact the highest of income earners only but I also see the reason in scrapping that for now to spur capital investment here. Eventually we are going to have to increase the taxes on the rich but the economic growth from what we have laid out so far will spur our economy for the next year or two until we set up trade improvements for our European and South Asian allies.
We are going to be building faster then we ever could at a time like no other. Just as we had Europe's back in both world wars we will have your backs now in the face of Russian aggression and we will keep tabs on those American fascists running the country to the south of us. We will happily supply Europe with the resources it needs just as we did before. Natural gas, hydrogen, lumber, wheat, potash, aluminum, steel, lithium, cobalt, nickel, and so much more.
This is the Canadian century, and we will rise to the occasion
If only we could have opted out of relying on the USA with a candidate that predicted this exact fucking situation from happening....
cough Ontario's NDP 2018 cough cough
Wahhhhhhh stfu. We're on the brink of the USA invading us over bullshit that is comparable to nazi fucking Germany and you're complaining about housing right now? If we even want to survive to make decisions for ourselves we're going to have to first lick this goddamn fascist country from below first. THEN we can focus on first world shit. We must sign a defensive pact with the EU or France or UK. There's no sugar coating it, we need to be prepared to fight back and fight back hard against these facist fucks.
Maybe they think they can just walk in and be greeted with open arms, but we're sure to stab them in the backs when it's best. What a goddamn shame that 80 years of the most peaceful time in human history is coming to an end because people couldn't be bothered about history. This is a divergence of species here, we are seeing in real time those who are unable to think critically, and those who can, seperate from one another. And we better win that fight
It sure is fooling Pierre and his followers though. Just been frothing at the mouth for this kind of Bullshit to happen. Absolute turds.
I work with people with the bachelors of engineering and they are all on the PP train and it's fucking removed. The fact that these people can out of that program with a. Degree is disgusting and it just gave them more confidence in themselves if they're right or not lol
Hey, atleast those Gen z dipshits can say "I DidNT VoTe FoR KamAlAmA DinGdoNg bEcaUsE I cArE aBoUt GaZa"
Take a look at: provincial responsibilities
Oh yeah for sure. Linking American news good job lol
Only fucking stooges think that you moron. Canadas identity has been the same for a century
Thank you for voting strategically. It would be great to see people wake the fuck up and see the NDP become the official opposition. The conservatives should be banished to the basement of parliament