I needed to see this today. Oddly this is the most calming thing I’ve experienced all day, thank you.
It’s reassuring to hear they know Trump is going to go all in on fuckery at the end, and actually have a plan to stop another insurrection
9 has to be the most cursed seat on the plane. I guess I would take 7
I like it. More please
Elon musk is a piece of shit, but I guess if nothing else, if him becoming a right wing idol means conservatives get on board with electric cars that’s a nice silver lining lol
Wow, how is this the first time that I’m seeing this pic of trump having kaked his pants. Is it real? Why was this not viral?
Oh hey! Thats my stop :)
lol, my cats have the same beds and they do the exact same thing. We just leave them flat now, they won’t stay puffed more than an hour
Good ol' meatball Ron, lol.
I’m guessing the problem is that the access point in some terrible location or on another floor. When signal first through Sheetrock it loses half its signal strength or 15/16 loss of going through concrete
I think the point being made is that if he dies you are very likely to get someone far worst in a time where things are already at the brink.