
joined 4 months ago
[–] 9 points 18 hours ago

LuLaRoe is up there as well with the life-ruining debt. Then their clothes are so bad that they are literal pollution.

(post from the ceo, who is honestly one of the most evil people in the world)

[–] 2 points 20 hours ago

Change your name and/or pronouns. Half joking, a lot of us live overcast lives as a result of feeling trapped in someone else's life. If you don't have friends then what's there to lose?

[–] 1 points 23 hours ago

I guess Tesla is also Jewish for scamming customers into paying a lot for cheaply made product, right? Oh right, that's actually offensive.

Can we just stop comparing burdensome, annoying, useless, unwanted, and unnecessary things to disabled people already?

Same, but I'd go as far as not being saved from dying at birth

Buy and sell an actually profitable nft. It'll be like winning the lottery without the drawbacks.

I'd be rich and no one would be jealous of me. In fact most of them will assume I'm lying about my money and not try to rob me. And who would rob an android user with no car or brand names? A rich loser seems to be the best way to live.

Username: quote said by Linhardt from fire emblem "behold, a token effort"

Display name: the most mysterious song on the internet

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

OneNote has timestamps and an android widget to immediately make a (timestamped) note. All notes are searchable including handwritten ones. Also the note pages are basically infinite to type in, draw on, and add pictures or recorded audio.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

Ionos 1&1 with their infinite forwarding addresses and subdomains, free email inbox, and low starting cost (usually $1).

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

Pretty cool, actually.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

They're also so bad at grooming their hair like every goddamn day I've been licking their legs and they still don't get it. They really suck at being cats.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Jokes on you, my work week ends on Monday.


Like I can predict which body part would suddenly move and what direction it'll move in and move there to minimize how forceful the movement is. I've been searching all over for years and I have no idea what causes it. It happens more when I'm cold lol. It doesn't affect my quality of life or anything it's just some weird unexplained thing.


You're literally justifying the 20 years of abuse I went through, and the lifetimes of abuse unluckier people go through since they weren't lucky enough to live a real life. You can't be for human rights and continue to contribute to the reason why children are abused into becoming nothing and living mediocre lives until they kill themselves.

A disorder whose definition varies that much cannot possibly be real. If it's such a big infinite stupid spectrum then nobody has it. All of these children are suffering from something with an actual name and actual treatment, not a vague word that nothing can be done about, and CPTSD as a result of growing up less human than a cockroach.

By calling yourself that crap you're contributing to several people being abandoned by society until they die. Was the extra special clout really worth it?


Eg you create art to cope with depression, so your depression created all your art and it's actually not yours. And if it's popular or successful, your depression is talented and successful, not you.


Not only restricted from children but also anyone over 50




This is a legitimate ad or a random person who paid to display it lol

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