Au Québec, du plus loin que je me souvienne, les photos des députés ont toujours été sur les pancartes … et oui plus la campagne avance plus il en a avec des moustaches
Hi! Fellow BtB listener
Why ? Because CAQ is and was a racist government. There’s a good chance that there’s first big law (21 ?) will be rule anti constitutional, now they’re on the verge to lose (hard) their third mandate (they win the 2nd because Covid) and they push law that will change nothing to make things look like they are doing something. How the law is written they want to ban full nikab but hijab (maybe I inverse the two) will be okay but an asshole school administrators could use the law to be racist
In the meantime they are trying to pass a law that will limit the Quebecer’s rights to manifest.
This is the fucking answers.
I could only find tablets
Yeah ! But will it be good for those that push is campaign ?
Tap for spoiler
I think not
Iwàju, Disney African Kid Show. Pretty interesting Pantheon Mrs. Davis
Je voulais surtout l’avis du ROC. Je présume que lemmy/Québec l’avais déjà lu
A Korean filmmaker made a film about this … hmmm what was the name 🤔
At that point China, Russia and America will be at their 6th
I stole this photo from Reddit just for this occasion
On a groupe, sur notre plate-forme de communication, entre amis de musique. C’est là où je m’informe 😅
Jérôme 50, Avec Pas d’Casques, Clay and Friends, Fouki, P’tit Béliveau (pas québécois Mai’s pas loin), l’avion bleu de Marie-Pier Arthur