This is so sad to see. I had many years of fun on reddit. I wish it wouldnt have become so commercialized. Money just ruins shit too often
Bro seriosuly fuck off my phone is overheating now. Thanks
As an AE guy, this is the whole reason I study what I study. Also to help protect femboys
GhatGPT will save us
Did she die?
Im pretty lost on this one. Whats the beef here? I saw the video and don’t understand why he is being arrested. He seems like a calm dude that is just being bothered
I am sorry but I do not have an answer for you as I have never seen something like this before. My preferred dynamic is indeed a tall dommy mommy. However, for some reason, and the reason I am commenting, this post reminds me of that time (well, there have been multiple times) where I got an AI generated ad about penis enlargement on youtube. It felt so dystopian and unreal. I took a screen recording of it. Too bad I cant post it cause of my account ago (fucking four weeks before I can upload a pic. What the fuck). But the fake ad made a lot of references to getting a ‘tool, just like those African Men’… So hot.
This does make me feel better. My wife keeps saying I need to hold babies to get over it (I suppose similar to your experience, hold it and realize it ain’t that bad). We’ll see how it goes. I don’t plan on having kids until I finish grad school though so I do have some time to prepare myself to face my fear: baby droppin. Thank you kind stranger for the words of wisdom
I still don’t understand the point of discord. I just deleted the app cause it was sooooo boring. The only social media I have is a perma banned reddit account (a few), snapchat (which I never use anymore as I have grown out of it and it has turned to absolute shit) and the lemmsters. Feeling good
I just rewatched Dexter and am moving on to new blood and subsequently original sin. I love me some true crime, I love me some fantasy, I love me some weird dexter. What I would change: Nothing really aside from more seasons. I am also intermittently watching Modern Family again. Its an easy show to watch with dinner. What I would change: more Cam, more Gloria both for different reasons
I dont want to hold babies. I have a fear that I will drop it and I am not sure what I would say to the parents. Im not sure what is going to happen when I have kids
Dang. This comment really didn’t work out for you brother. Maybe next time, be truthful