Ah, good spotting! You only really see the outfit for 4 frames. What a shame.
That's a really cute outfit. I wish they'd drawn the whole thing.
I've always had an obsession with maps, which as an adult has brought me to wanting to visit the "extremes" of the world. Far north, far south points of things. But I'm not the adventurous type so a lot of those places are just never going to happen. Nuuk has always been high on my list of places that would be neat, while not being impossible to get to comfortably.
Trying to learn how to use Natron felt impossible. It's a very different approach to what it does and I could not even start to figure it out.
When the power goes out and that fan stops, it's the quietest thing you've ever imagined. It shouldn't even be possible. I hate it.
Wow, I remembering having these cards/book when I was a kid. I wonder what ever happened to them.
Sounds pretty incredible. When I met my lost brother years back, we found out he was kind of an asshole.
I got to make regular jokes about "being the new guy" and subtly shoot shade at the management team any chance I get.
I was in a very, very rough spot. Was mostly worth taking the offer. It sure beat wasting 13 years of obscure product knowledge at some new job for the less pay others were offering.
Rehired with all my previous tenure benefits with the added raise they would have given me had I been around when they gave out raises.
I was really confident. Then I lost a job to AI. Then they hired me back a few months later after realizing that replacing half the support team with an AI was not working out.