
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

A fairly hard to answer question with Japanese. It operates with morae, not vowels and consonants. な row (なにぬねの, na ni nu ne no) and ま row (まみむめも, ma mi mu me mo) are starting with distinctly different sounds, they are pretty hard to confuse. However, there is also this fucker: ん (n). This one can be read very differently depending on what surrounds it. As an example,

{先生|せんせい} (se n se i), means teacher, has ん usually romanized as "n";

{先輩|せんぱい} (se m pa i), means senior, has ん usually romanized as "m".

There are some more ways of reading it, sometimes it becomes nasal, sometimes it makes you pretend you are speech impaired.

Japanese onomatopoeia for a cat is usually written にゃん (n-ya n). Two n sounds here are a bit different, one is represented by the beginning of に (ni), another by ん (n). The first one is hard to confuse with an "m", so I would say that it's just cats producing a sound somewhere inbetween m and n, and it just so happened that Japanese people attributed it to に.

Happens in plenty other languages, Ukranian one is няв (nyav), for example.

It's "мяу" in Russian and Bulgarian, "мяў" in Belarusian. So, you can also choose between MRY and whatever Belarusians did to their у.

No. With Unix-style tools, bare terminal is always more powerful than any GUI. It's just that a lot of people don't want to invest their time into reading manuals and actually understanding how it all works.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Presumption of innocence is a thing, you know?

In 2020 some small servers (50-200 people per server) got cover banned with all their users, mostly for political talk, as far as I'm aware.

I, personally, usually join such small servers while looking for lobby members in older games, I have a couple of them muted except for channels dedicated specifically to game lobbies. If someone starts an "illegal" talk in any other channel on one of these, why should I be held liable? Or am I suddenly obligated to hunt for pipe bomb recipes in any server I join?

Unless your laptop uses some obscure networking hardware, should work out of the box. Never used Mint, but it looks like it uses NetworkManager by default, which I haven't had any major issues with.

uninstalls the kernel package

I would not recommend someone who does not know what they are doing replacing the DE, the process heavily varies depending on your current setup. If you want Ubuntu with KDE, just use Kubuntu.

SteamVR runs terribly on Linux, Monado/WiVRn is pretty playable.

I prefer to drag my friends toward games without integrated rootkits. Better for them, better for me. Thankfully, there are plenty of games to choose from today.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

If something does not work, mostly it either has a kernel level anticheat or it's Adobe. I just learned to live without these, I think it's for the best. You can even do VR on Linux nowadays!

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I'd say your best chance is just launching an Android version with a controller (I assume Android version supports controllers). It's just that nobody on PC plays Bedrock. All the community content (mods, resource packs, custom tools) is for the original version, after all, and Bedrock is a walled garden.

If you confused period and fax intentionally, I commend the effort.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Considering vibe is probalby float, I doubt any exceptions can be thrown there, you can eliminate another useless scope.

Even if it's not float, I'd consider burning alive anyone who overrides an operator like this anyway.


I'm looking for a website that aggregates specs for gamepads/controllers.

For example, for VR headsets we have VRcompare.

Does anything similar exist for gamepads?

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