
joined 1 month ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

When I started working for my current company there were really few meetings and I didn't know that it was possible. Everywhere I worked we had all the Scrum meetings and tech discussions meetings. At that time it was relatively a small company but not that small.

Now the company is getting bigger and some persons try to bring all the scrum shit. Even for small features, we do meetings to discuss them and last for hours. Some meetings have a big agenda that we always only tackle half of it. Sometimes we decide to do something with big impact and then someone suggests to include a person from another that doesn't even know our scope. And then we get "maybe we shouldn't do this as it will maybe have some negative impacts", "maybe we should add an exception" without even giving data to support their claim.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 3 days ago

I don't know but check out the show All in the Family which was aired in the 70s. I don't think they have exaggerated the character of Archie Bunker. I really think that there were many people like him during that era. And he is exactly like the pro Trump that we are seeing right now.

I remember him saying in one episode "Nixon is intelligent as he knows how to avoid paying taxes". That argument comes up from pro Trump people.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Thanks for your comment.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yes I think communication and respect are important in relationship and nothing good will come if they are missing. At first I was afraid she was using tatemae ("I'm not sure but let's meet again,... You are nice"). They are typical answers that you can get in my country if someone isn't interested.

She is staying for at least 4-5 years and even considering moving to my country. She likes my country and was learning the language before we even met.


I met this Japanese girl in some language forum few months ago and we started exchanging messages on daily basis (but only one message a day). I started liking her as I loved her personality and way of thinking and didn't seem like other Japanese girls (but maybe it is just me having the stereotype image). She is also my type. She studies in a neighboring country. She did come to my country for a visit and met her face to face. Before coming, I asked her if she is single and interested in a relationship and it was the case. So I suggested going on a casual date and she said yes.

When we met, we walked through the city and then went for dinner but nothing fancy or romantic. After that I told her that liked the time we spent together and would like to see her again and going on more dates. She told me that she's not sure but she would like to see me. From her answer, I understood that she wasn't interested.

I didn't bring that subject until we started talking about difference in dating between Japan and western European countries. For her going on a date is not something casual and happen when the relationship in an advanced stage, before that is hanging out. So I asked her if she misunderstood my previous messages and suggested meeting her and hang out and see. She accepted and asked me what made want to see her again. So I told directly that I like and find her cute. She told me that she wasn't aware that I was seeing her in that way. I was a little surprised and I thought it was obvious.

We will be meeting in a few weeks and we started looking for things to do. We will be going to watch a very romantic play she suggested and she even asked if we can watch something together in the place I will be staying.

So I am really confused, those seem like things you do in a second or third date in my country. Or something you just do with a friend. But I don't have too much experience in dating (neither her I think). On my side I won't make any assumptions and will spend time with her as planned, if things feel right I may ask her directly (I won't just hold her hands or kiss her).

I know every experience is different but I would like to know your thoughts on this.

[–] [email protected] 97 points 2 weeks ago (15 children)

It is already dumb for a German to buy an American car. It is like a French buying an American wine.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Actually last time, I clicked on the wrong button on Amazon and the item have been ordered in one click. Obviously that wasn't what I wanted to do and needed to cancel it which wasn't a one click action.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

I don't know why American do it each time there is something like this. I may understand doing for huge medical bills but here it is just some one who didn't get a tip. It is sad but I don't think there is a need for a GoFundMe.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Why aren't there a Fox news for the Democrat?

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago (1 children)

That's their model, they make everything easy and take the loss. But after everyone started using them, they can do whatever they want.

I remember 10 years ago a collegue is telling me that that Amazon was great. You order something, it arrives and if there is an issue with the order, you can order a replacement by yourself and it will arrive before even you returned the first item. Few weeks ago I had an issue with an order and you need to contact the customer service for a solution. Chat was not working, you can request a call back but it wasn't working either, they give you a number to call but it isn't working. 4 years ago it was much easier to contact them.