Corrigé dans la barre de description, mes pouvoirs de modération s'arrêtent là.
@[email protected], pourrais-tu ajouter un lien dans le corps du message également s'il te plaît ?
It seems much faster indeed, thank you for your work!
C'est corrigé, merci !
That said, I’ve decided to return to Reddit for now.
Tha'ts okay, to each their own. I’m happy to be with a few hundreds nice people compared to millions of angry strangers. I hope you can come here again once the platform is a bit more polished.
And people are much nicer here.
That's the biggest thing for me. I'm happy to be with a few hundreds nice people compared to millions of angry strangers. I actually noticed than here, when "bad" behaviour is called out (e.g. someone phrasing a request in a very demanding way, while everyone here is a volunteer), people usually react very well, apologize, and go on with their day. That's science fiction for current Reddit.
N'hésite pas à signaler dès que tu vois ce genre de contenu ici
Great news!
[email protected] is pretty solid