
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I hate to be the one to break it to you but AIs aren't actually people. Companies claiming that they are "this close to AGI" doesn't make it true.

The human brain is an exception to copyright law. Outsourcing your thinking to a machine that doesn't actually think makes this something different and therefore should be treated differently.


Article in German, I've translated the relevant part:

According to a recent report, numerous employees received letters requesting them to disclose their diagnoses and release their respective doctors from their duty of confidentiality. [...] According to [news outlet] “Handelsblatt”, the letters to employees are entitled “Doubts about the submitted certificates of inability to work”. Tesla is reportedly questioning the validity of the sick notes and refusing to continue to pay wages in the event of illness. In the letters, the company also threatens to reclaim payments already made.

The pressure on employees is apparently enormous. According to the report, anyone who wants to continue receiving their salary should disclose personal health data. The trade union IG Metall sharply criticizes the move.

original quote in GermanLaut einem aktuellen Bericht erhielten zahlreiche Beschäftigte Schreiben mit der Aufforderung, ihre Diagnosen offenzulegen und ihre behandelnden Ärzt:innen von der Schweigepflicht zu entbinden. [...]

Laut "Handelsblatt" tragen die Briefe an die Beschäftigten den Betreff "Zweifel an den eingereichten Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigungen". Tesla stellt demnach die Gültigkeit der Krankschreibungen infrage und verweigert die Entgeltfortzahlung im Krankheitsfall. In den Schreiben droht das Unternehmen außerdem an, bereits geleistete Zahlungen zurückzufordern.

Der Druck auf die Mitarbeitenden ist offenbar enorm. Wer weiter sein Gehalt beziehen will, soll laut dem Bericht persönliche Gesundheitsdaten offenlegen. Die Gewerkschaft IG Metall kritisiert das Vorgehen scharf.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A float at today’s Rose Monday parade in Düsseldorf. Float by Jacques Tilly and his team, photo by Christoph Schroeter

Other floats from the parade:

The floats where made by Düsseldorf based artist and long time float builder Jacques Tilly. All of the floats (including some I didn't include in this post) can be seen here

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

You made this Post twice, which ironically makes this eersion Musk spam

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Wouldn't be the first time a conductor was multi track drifting on Londons public transport system.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 months ago

Reactionaries use meme culture not just because they’re terminally online but also because it makes their behavior seem either benign or just confusing to outsiders. They find it hilarious that they can be really explicit and still fly under the radar. The Alt-Right did this with Pepe the Frog, the OK sign, even the milk glass emoji for a hot minute. The more inexplicable the meme, the better. You get the point where Stephen Miller is flashing Nazi signs from the White House and the [Trump] Presidential re-eletion campaign is releasing 88 ads of exactly 14 words and there’s still a debate about whether the administration is racist. Because journalists aren’t going to get their heads around that. You tell them “1488 is a Nazi number,” it’s gonna seem a lot more plausible that you’re making shit up.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

For marketplace there is a project in development. It's called Flohmarkt. Not quite ready yet for primetime but worth keeping an eye on

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Original reporting in German:

[W]hat if Elon Musk hadn't written the article himself? What if Welt am Sonntag had not printed a controversial guest article by one of the most powerful people on the planet, but an AI-generated text created in seconds? One that presumably agrees with Musk's views, but whose argumentation may have been cobbled together from millions of freely available bits and pieces about Germany and the AfD on the internet?

If one asks [Musk's] language model Grok to write an opinion piece for a conservative newspaper that shows why only the AfD can save Germany, the program spits out a text that is remarkably similar to Musk's “Welt” article. In tone, argumentation, structure - and in many places literally. Like Musk's op-ed, the AI-generated text begins with the words: “Germany is at a critical point - its future is teetering on the brink of economic and cultural collapse”. This is followed shortly afterwards in both texts by the formulation that has particularly angered many in Germany: the AfD, it says, is the last spark of hope for Germany. Dozens more overlaps follow, some of them verbatim.

Translated with

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I wasn't familiar with you guys before, so in a sense I'm playing catch-up myself ;)

BTW: there was another talk at C3 this year, that might be of interest to you: (unfortunately it's in German, otherwise I would have posted it properly already.)

It's about I think there is some overlap with what you're doing so maybe there is some room for cross-pollination.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 2 months ago

This article is still about the recent Welt op-ed. Just so nobody gets the impression, that Elon did something else yesterday.

Not that any of this excuses the opinions he shared with the world already.

[–] [email protected] 67 points 3 months ago (2 children)

tl,dr: it's a Pixelfed instance by and for native people in Latin America

[–] [email protected] 45 points 3 months ago

Found in the comments under the article:

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

I've added some qoutes from the article

[–] [email protected] 14 points 4 months ago (1 children)

published: 10.16.24

The article is almost a month old.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

Eventually, yes. But we are not quite there yet. In January Scholz will face a vote of no confidence, which he is unlikely to win. At this point all parties may try to find new governing majorities within the current makeup of the Bundestag, our parliament. This is also extremely unlikely to succeed (not with only a few months left in the term anyway). And then a snap election is called

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