so if you try to replace this yourself it turns out you have to jack up BOTH SIDES or the sway bar will be under tension and it will be hard to pull the link out. You can raise or lower the opposite side a bit to get it just right. the dudes on youtube that have a lift might not even think about how the car needs to be lifted evenly. I use arch btw.
You have to have the original game files either from the disk or downloaded from GoG or steam. Then you need tes3mp which runs great on linux and windows. I personally play on a server called neravarine prophecies, they have seasonal events and the community is a lot of fun. It uses the same engine as openMW so most of the mods that work on OpenMW are compatible, I'd stick with cosmetics to keep the servers you join compatible.
Different servers have different rules, many of them forbid going into areas that cause server crashes, i.e. mornhould.
I had a blast, then I got my kids to play and i was there to guide them a bit when the game gets tough.
Morrowind, there are some great multi player communities.
Mindustry, sometimes i just listen to the machines.
pretty much any console game on emulators, recently playing ffvii again while i wait for rebirth pc port.
shattered pixel dungeon.
Coach Z gets these custom ordered from a guy that types with boxing gloves on.
They cut it instead of biting it. Cowards.
I think the idea is to filter it out (which is also not easy) but then this gives you a way to destroy the concentrated pfas left behind. Because otherwise what are you supposed to do with the material you have filtered out? It'd be cool if regulations required the cost of destroying pfas be added to the sale of pfas which might help manufacturers decide that they don't need to add pfas to disposable things like paper plates after all.
that fucking troll on the way to the grey beards, fml.
i think this is what made it unfun, not the difficulty but the fact that you have to die a few times to even see what you're supposed to do and it was aggravating way early in the game. Also I'm not a fan of the difficulty stemming from the controls being hard to use, like when you're carrying stuff.
I keep picking this game up and putting it back down. It's beautiful but I just can't get into it.
It's ok crewman #6, we're pretty sure you have a last name.
"acknowledge all" used to behave a bit different in Cisco UCS manager. Well at least the notifications of pending actions all went away... because they were no longer pending.
Well that's mighty descent of them.