A missed opportunity to paint herself painting herself while she painted herself. I love a bit of recursion :3
Okay, this isn't about the BS arrest, but if you are taking 30+ minutes to unsuccessfully take a shit:
Get yourself a Fleet enema, it will make you shit like a horse in 10 minutes, guaranteed. You can find them in drugstores and it will leave you clean.
Two, you really should be eating at least 30g of chia seeds a day, they are high in fiber and will help avoid bowel-distending events before they start. Put them in a smoothie or on yogurt. Or take metamucil if you can stand the taste.
Three, you should talk to your doctor about distended bowels and profound constipation. If you aren't taking a shit for a few days to a week, you might be damaging your colon, which is bad on many levels.
I love the idea of using it, but between getting married, looking for better jobs, and maintaining friendships, I haven't found the time to study for the amateur radio exam, which appears to be considerable.
GMRS is $35 and a license so that I can use a radio with my family, husband, and licensed friends while skiing or mountain biking, making localized communication easy, while the cert process was mostly friction free (looking at you, ancient FCC website and the guides needed to figure out licensing- something less dedicated people forgo, hint hint). The friction for getting ham licensed makes it difficult for young people who don't have much time for additional hobbies.
I do hope it's around when I'm older and (hopefully) have more free time!
Judging by all the shark card crap they jammed into the last GTA, I fully expect them to shovel a bunch of crap in to make more money: $70 base games, deluxe editions, DLC, micro transactions, social club integration, required internet connections, all of it.
I miss the old GTAs before they got greedy.
They actually are really nice, but they still need some time in terms of reliability. They are awesome for reading books or the news on the go, though. Or if you need a maps application open while biking. I miss mine, but Samsung still has dogshit repairability, so when a 10¢ ribbon cable broke (understandable), their solution was to replace all three screens, or pull a repair shop's license. A $600 replacement.
I'm not terribly surprised, parrots can store information on materials, color, and then recite it in English. Even if they don't have the vocal chords to do so, I'm sure certain primates, whales, and potentially certain canines could do similar things with sign languages or brain-computer interfaces.
If people can teach dogs math, and wolves can do insanely complicated lab experiments and real world problem-solving, I'm sure our brains aren't terribly different.
Here's an interesting one of a parrot that can differentiate materials and colors.
Do you twist the ball to change whether it's a split or steal? I noticed her twisting the ball when he wasn't looking.