Good idea; posted there now. Dunno the steps on community transferring but I'm looking to do that with a few pages; least so my own irl stuff doesn't stop a community dead in it's tracks.
Approved. Not to my knowledge but if you have any experience modding communities on places like reddit or discord I don't imagine it's too dissimilar. Mostly just look at the guidelines and act on reports of trolling, spam, harassment, the usual.
Approved. If you need some guidance then shoot a message and lemme know, I'm not the best by a long shot but I can give it my best.
Welcome :), all the help we can get the better.
Awesome! Approved :)
Great! Approved now.
Hi! If you're here for modding then I can get that approved, just say any experience ya got if applicable.
The community is on the smaller side right now so it's not a TON of stuff, but it's pretty much just making sure posts are within the right guidelines and curbing spam. This also allows for verifying others as mods if and when more arrive to this post assuming theyre up for it. There's more to it with a larger group but right now there's not that much.
Wow that looks awesome :O
Sorta, Got a bunch of the more niche communities I was in made, with only two exceptions. I believe in being the change I want made, but I"m hardly experienced as a moderator so it's a new adjustment. They're also existing communities so some mods usually have issues with that, though I'm always open to give mod status when relevant.
I'm intending to stay, barring poking in and seein if there's any extra niche communities that could fit at home here (there's a good few cat ones), I wiped my accounts and am currently waiting on a data request export. Once I can get that then I'm wiping my accounts and not turning back.
Approved. I'm also looking to step down on my end given irl issues, so I'm also lookin to see about a community transfer.