
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

Approved. I'm also looking to step down on my end given irl issues, so I'm also lookin to see about a community transfer.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Good idea; posted there now. Dunno the steps on community transferring but I'm looking to do that with a few pages; least so my own irl stuff doesn't stop a community dead in it's tracks.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Approved. Not to my knowledge but if you have any experience modding communities on places like reddit or discord I don't imagine it's too dissimilar. Mostly just look at the guidelines and act on reports of trolling, spam, harassment, the usual.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Approved. If you need some guidance then shoot a message and lemme know, I'm not the best by a long shot but I can give it my best.


Hi. Been awhile since I'd been able to check in due to significant amount of real life issues. As a result I'm not able to moderate as much as I used to nowadays. Since there's only two mods including myself I decided to post a call to see if anyone's up for moderating the page.

Main requirements are reading and understanding the community guidelines and being on lemmy pretty often and willing to moderate when a report comes in. If anyone knows and is willing to do an ownership transfer then I'm open for that too though I'm fuzzy on how that's handled for Lemmy.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Welcome :), all the help we can get the better.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Awesome! Approved :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Great! Approved now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Hi! If you're here for modding then I can get that approved, just say any experience ya got if applicable.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

The community is on the smaller side right now so it's not a TON of stuff, but it's pretty much just making sure posts are within the right guidelines and curbing spam. This also allows for verifying others as mods if and when more arrive to this post assuming theyre up for it. There's more to it with a larger group but right now there's not that much.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Wow that looks awesome :O


Hi all, I’m currently the only mod here and I’ve sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities. So posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management? It's still pretty small right now so it might not be super necessary, but I'm seeing some deleted and flagged posts so it seems like a good time as any to step in and reach out, at least for the future.

If anyone’s interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there, Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.**


Hi all, I’m currently the only mod here and I’ve sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities. So posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management? It's pretty small and not the most active, so it might not be necessary, but all the same having the post up for future approvals is a good idea I feel.

If anyone’s interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there, Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.


Hi all, I’m currently the only mod here and I’ve sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities. So posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management?

If anyone’s interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there, Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.

[META] Mod search (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all, I’m currently the only mod here and I’ve sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities, so posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management?

If anyone’s interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there. Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Don't like making meta posts in image communities, but figured this one is important. I'm currently the only mod here and I've sadly had to be less active given sizable real life responsibilities. So posting here to see if anyone is up for assisting in mod management?

If anyone's interested just comment below and I can get things approved from there. Preferably say any experience you have if applicable.


I recall one map where you were surrounded by enemies, but they were all fake enemies and your objective was slaying an archvile who would continually resummon them. I don't remember if it was a mod or if it was a map, I recall it being in a pack of maps with a good few weird challenges like that, but I can't remember for the life of me.


A good long while back i decided to compile a few mods I found into a single 7z archive, just to make it easier for others to find, some of these support bots, others don’t but could still be fun in a LAN session. This includes mods like CPMA, Eternal Arena, ExcessivePlus, Q3Pong and more. Some of these were incredibly hard to find, tried to find the latest version of each of these but that wasn’t always simple. Just extract these into your main Quake III folder, select via the mod menu, or optionally make a shortcut, and your good to go.

Quick tip: If it pops up asking for a CDKey, go into your main Baseq3 folder and look for Q3Key, then paste that into the mod folder, it’ll stop asking for it, assuming putting your key into the cdkey menu doesn't work, note that only some of them do that, shouldn’t cause any weird errors but always good to be cautious.

I also recall going in to scrub any keys from the folders but if I missed any then lemme know and I can go in and fix that.

The Source port I use is QuakeIIIe (The Edawn one), but some of them like Eternal Arena and Painkeep work better with ioquake, so best run those with that, same with Defrag which runs best with iodfequake, at least when I tried these before, they might work better, in my experience anyway.

Quick note that with some of these it defaults your character model to either Grunt or Sarge in a Team based gametype like CTF, if it does the former then it fixes upon death, if it’s Sarge then it’s stuck like that. Best I can tell that just seems to be how the mods are and searches didn’t find any fix.

But yeah hope this proves to be helpful, if you have any mod suggestions then feel free to let me know and I’ll look out for them.


I don't like making text posts in communities formatted like this but I figure it's good for just this once, but if anyone wants to apply to be a moderator, just lemme know in the comments and I can assign that. Preferably say any experience you have and why, that isn't mandatory but it would help a lot to do so.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

Sorta, Got a bunch of the more niche communities I was in made, with only two exceptions. I believe in being the change I want made, but I"m hardly experienced as a moderator so it's a new adjustment. They're also existing communities so some mods usually have issues with that, though I'm always open to give mod status when relevant.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

I'm intending to stay, barring poking in and seein if there's any extra niche communities that could fit at home here (there's a good few cat ones), I wiped my accounts and am currently waiting on a data request export. Once I can get that then I'm wiping my accounts and not turning back.


Link: [email protected]

Figure those on Lemmy.world would enjoy this one. I also got this on Lemmy.ml but since that sites currently down, I'm putting a mirror up here for some extra insurance.


Link: [email protected]

There's also a Lemmy.ml instance here, but since that site is currently down, I'm making a mirror on .world as well, plus I feel like the niche subreddits like that could fit in nicely here anyway.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

[email protected]

I also manage this over at Lemmy.ml, but since that's currently down I'm putting this up here for now, at least as a fallback.

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