If you’re making money off of it Uncle Sam wants his cut.
Abysal evil
Why am I neutral evil ;-;
Anyone have a mirror?
It’s called not using a cold ass tortilla
Only ever happened twice and both times it was because I leaned too far forward and the water was high. Horrible horrible feeling.
I think I think differently than most. I have a very active internal monologue but when it comes to visual thought I can very easily overlay my thoughts onto my vision. Almost like a diagram or writing something on something but in my head only. I feel that if I was smarter I would be able to do something with it.
What the fuck is that trigger discipline.
Those birds are trying to see if the capybaras will fit in their mouth.
Pokémon mystery dungeon red rescue team. I’m going to work my way up through the mystery dungeons.
If you’re making money off of it Uncle Sam wants his cut.