You seem to be implying that you are somehow more entitled to that public space than kids. Sounds like something an entitled little bitch would say. Are you an entitled little bitch? Public space is for the public, ALL the public. If let your own hangups lead you to bullying the most naive and impressionable of us, then you are sacrificing other people's freedom. And if you are people like this then I say, "fuck you too". The social contract of public space doesn't entitled you to be unbothered by other people.
To be clear I am in no way excusing parents that do not actually parent their children, especially in public. However the logic of the above comment is just a bunch of "get off my lawn" anti-social ME generation boomer energy. Also, kind of telling that the parent commenter just doesn't see the parallels between their entitled attitude and everyone else's entitlement. It's a public space, if you can't be compassionate, you don't deserve it any more than anyone else.
In certain contexts the opinions of some federal officials is quite a bit more than "simply giving an opinion". The most obvious examples being the chairman of the Federal Reserve and the Commerce Secretary.