@Ategon That's a neat little trick, that's good to know :)
Thank you.
You could also color the inputs in different colors
Maybe red if it was wrong and green if the guess was right.
You could also keep that color coding if the list of inputs is getting shown at the end.
You could save the inputs done by the user and ask if the guesses should be listed after you did enter the correct number.
@feuiuxbe @godot @godotengine I learn the best if I pick a simple project and try to solve it on my own. Those project should be something where a lot of references are already available so I can seek help if I get stuck.
So you could create for example a clone of Snake or Pong and go from there. Make a short plan what should be in the game and give it a got.
I would try to limit such a project to a week in scope, this allows you to try another one after or abort if it gets boring.