"Do you use Facebook?"
"Do you use Facebook?"
Thank you! I'll tell her you said that.
"Hey, I know we had our differences in the past, but are you still into that whole genocide thing?"
Sadly, I didn't name her Lola. I named her "bucket" because she's a bucket of love. She is a bit of a show girl, though.
There we go
Pineapple is a rabbit hole. Most people all call it annunuya or something like like that. I'm trying super hard to test myself. Sorry if I'm wrong.
I'm now convinced the Pacific makes you speak backwards.
How the fuck did I learn Mandarin but this confusing the fuck out of me.
To be fair, we have compound words in English. Firefly, sunflower, etc... if you get into latin prefixes and suffixes joined with root words, you can create some incredibly long words.
"C U M
I randomly applied to become a deputy once in SD. I just wanted to see what was happening. The first thing they sent people home for was for wearing JEANS (that was 1/4 of the applicants). They also had a rotating piece of propaganda, "when you're not working out, they are."; it was a picture of inmates working out with that text overlaid. You had to either be a jail guard or court guard for 2 years before you could be an LEO. They also would not stop saying,"they're going to take your gun,", "they're going to take your gun and shoot you,", "they're going to take your gun and commit a mass shooting,". That and SUPER racist conversations about demographics. The sheriff has his office above the entrance of the building and brags about watching the new hires. I have NO idea how people work for them. I've never really seen the SD police outside of downtown. Mostly, I've seen sheriff's deputies, which is what I applied for. It felt so odd being able to walk into that place just because I filled out an application. It was honestly eye-opening. They really need to get paid more while simultaneously being held to a WAY higher standard. Also, security guards have a better understanding of de-escalation than cops. I did that for a bit. Racist as fuck. They had Facebook for security, and it was just people guessing races based on shitty security images. That was at Target, a company that sells their security systems. This country is fucked. I'm not trying to shill for the police at all, I just thought that might be a relevant piece of info you guys would find interesting.
Edit: I just caught the instance, lmao
Edit 2: random tangent: The only thing I ever did as a security guard that felt good was preventing gift card scams. That was the only instance where I felt like I was actually protecting people and not property. I lasted about 2 weeks at that job.
Edit 3: I found the poster. I was a little off with the quote:
That and 8chan. Did we all collectively forget about 8chan? Functionally, I was hoping it would be like lemmy. It quickly turned into a place where every racist, violent, pedophile trickled into once they were deplatformed. Now they just use facebook/ Twitter.