See, this is actually a good point.
Alright man, so you are making crap arguments while cherry picking the parts of my comment you are responding to.
You don't need to be a congressional historian to understand why the Democrats haven't ended Citizens United. The real answer comes down to money and lobbying influencing their politics, as well as the filibuster stopping them the few times they have tried, such as when Bernie did in 2014. That would have been an actually valuable point that we could have discussions about.
Instead, you're too focused on belittling and insulting me to actually make a valid argument.
I could break down and respond to every convenient point in your comment and act like a petty little cunt too, but really it comes down to this
Should the Democrats have been railing about campaign reform at every speech from the moment the SCOTUS inflicted it on us? Yes. Yes they should.
This is pretty much my whole point.
Lol devolving into insults instead of making any kind of worthwhile point huh? I could call it a judgement or decision if that makes your panties untwist.
Point is, Dems had the house and Senate when it went into effect. They've had many opportunities over the years to do something about it, even if that something is just akin to what they are doing now. But it took a billionaire shadow president for them to even make noise about it. It's just virtue signaling.
Law, policy, a lifting of prohibitions, call it whatever you want dude, you haven't proved your point, you're just being pedantic.
The house and Senate were literally both controlled by the Dems when Citizens United became a law lmfao
Genuinely, why didn't they? Why didnt they do it when they had both the house and Senate? Are you somehow deluded into thinking this will actually go anywhere with the Republicans holding as much power as they currently are? This is just virtue signaling.
But why would you want to complete a campaign of this game to begin with? What do you find appealing about the Fatal system?
There are so fucking many way more important things to be upset about right now.
I get where you're coming from, but idk man, it's not that hard to buy a democratic senator to vote the way you want. I think simply assuming that every corporation is pushing for Republicans, and is targeting Democrat voters is probably a slippery slope, but that said I get that in the US corpos tend to suck regardless of which side of the isle they have decided to purchase. It's a shame you didn't have any more concrete sources though, that kind of claim you made earlier would be fun to throw around if I were able to back it up lol. As it is, personally I doubt that the rising prices are due to anything beyond corporate greed alongside several external factors like bird flu and eggs in CO being required by law now to be cage free.
I was being completely sincere actually. Not sure what is so offensive about asking for someone to back up a claim like that.
So I agree that food in the US is 100% run by monopolies. Just look at Tyson. What I'd like a source for though personally, is your claim that these monopolies have "had it in the playbook for thirty years" to punish voters for not voting Republican. That specific part is the aspect that I think you actually need to source. It's quite a claim.
Oh fuck off. Let people talk however they like.