Très cool! Merci
Moi j'ai pas negavoté, mais si tu regarde juste le titre ça sonne comme "les Québécois sont méchants et rient de ceux qui essaient de parler français". Peut être que c'est ça.
J'espère juste qu'on va tirer les bonnes conclusions du fiasco ET que les conclusion vont êtres appliquées. Si on n'apprend pas de nos erreurs, ça peut juste arriver encore.
Impressive that they managed to migrate a codebase of this size in a year.
His unemotionality. The way he speaks formally. His precise mannerisms. The way he always seems to be putting on a facade, like he's an alien pretending to be human.
I don't think he was intended to come across as autistic, he just vaguely seems like it.
The ones that come to mind:
- Captain Raymond Holt in Brooklyn 99
- Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory
- Mr Spock from Star Trek
- Gus Fring (maybe), Gale and Lydia from Breaking Bad
- Abed from Community
Would you say they fail to make things better at all, or that the things they do is insufficient?
Why do you think the UN is a joke?
To me it depends on the context. In a new job, I take a humble stance and repeat to myself:
- I don't know the full context
- I don't know who is smart and and who isn't
- I have my own biases
And I just work according to instructions assuming the higher up's have a roughly good idea what they are doing.
After a few months, you can start understanding the broader context and spot some mistakes. Then you can start making suggestions.
It's not a bullshit rationalization, she's absolutely right. And given her level of analysis, if her parents have a legit reason to ask her to fix her behavior they just have to say the actual thing instead of relying on trite bullshit.
I think his idea was to reduce visibility of harmful content (like exclude it from the algorithm, or maybe just penalize it heavily) without fully banning it.
I suppose downvotes are also a solution (up to a point - doesn't work unless there is a strong enough consensus).
But even if these don't work it doesn't mean censorship is the only solution. Just because we don't have a good idea doesn't mean nobody will.
Radication and disinformation are serious problems and some censorship is better than nothing - but still seems like there has to be a better way.
Native French speaker here - "C'est la vie autiste" would work better I think.
"C'est la vie de l'autiste" would mean "This is life for the autists" - which, to me, has a slurry connotation.
"C'est la vie autiste" would mean "This is autistic life"