Our gain, their loss.
We got the joke - but are you sure you got Ford?
Right? Not sure I trust Ford long term, even though he's saying a lot of the right things right now.
It does seem to be the rare case where Ford and Chow are aligned, but she's actually taking action https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-tariff-response-plan-1.7494034
Wow, I can't believe how common this is becoming. There was an article about this recently, https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/03/gold-card-residence-abroad/682103/ (archive https://archive.is/q3iCF )
Out of curiosity (and on the off-chance that it helps out a fellow USian) how are you getting out? What's the path you've picked, if you've gotten that far, or what options are you considering?
This is a recurring pattern though. When that idiot acts, it's the red states who supported him that get hurt the most.
Examples: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2025/mar/04/trump-doge-federal-layoffs-national-parks https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/pain-hits-home-republicans-balk-trumps-spending-cuts-tariffs-rcna191832
This is a very bad sign.. this guy is a US citizen, right? If even he feels the need to flee, from the seclusion of the ivory tower ...
Also, you can view the livestream of the police update at https://www.ctvnews.ca/video/2025/03/26/live-soon-winnipeg-police-update-on-buffalo-woman-an-unknown-victim-of-killer-jeremy-skibicki/
As of 2:05pm ET the stream is open but they haven't started yet, they're running a few minutes late.
From the article:
Thanks for the hat tip.
which will likely result in pennies on the dollar.
Understand that this is the law right now. But laws can be changed. This absolutely should not be legal. These hardworking folks should not have to settle for "pennies on the dollar" when mgmt can still afford to pay out $3 mil of retention bonuses.
I get that these are retention bonuses and such.
I.e. the folks keeping their jobs get more money, while the folks losing their jobs get nothing.
Wth? How is it even legal to let someone go without paying severance? When I was let go, I had to be paid my severance (which was considerable) because that's the law in Ontario.
Actually, now I'm curious how they will handle cases of people with more than 2 chromosomes.
Me too. Actually, this is explicitly called out in the article,
World Athletics’s testing requirements would also affect small numbers of competitors who were born with atypical sex chromosomes.
But they don't say what would happen. The easy ones: presumably, XYY is treated the same as XY and XO is treated like XX. But how would XXY be handled? Or cases where we have genetic chimerism - e.g. some cells are XY and some are XO or XX. (One way this happens is if fraternal twins of different sex are in the womb, and then one absorbs the other.)
Intersexed folks at best seem to be an afterthought in this proposal.
If the tests are sensitive enough, someone with XY gonadal dysgenesis might be counted as XX as well, though I'm skeptical on this point. Actually, this is exactly why such tests are bad - someone who presents as female in virtually every public way, and would be seen as female in terms of sex under even many forms of medical examinations, could be treated as male under these rules and forced to compete against men.
It's the exact opposite of what the anti-trans folks say that they want to accomplish - protecting women from male athletes.
It’s exactly what these idiots want so they should just move.
It's not like I disagree with you on this, but... who says they can? How would they do it? It sounds to me like you're suggesting they just pack a trailer, drive south, overstay and live as undocumented migrants.
There'd be a certain poetic justice in that, to be sure, but anyone with two brain cells would be able to understand why living in Canada with full citizenship is better.
I thought by “harder to move” you meant ... like they’re denying people to immigrate there.
Yes! That's exactly what I meant. These folks can't just waltz down into the US of A and expect to stay forever. They have to comply with the existing immigration programs, which rather ironically are harder to comply with under the current administration in the US. Heck, even visiting or working in the US is getting harder.
Granted my above references were more towards the latter, rather than with immigrating per se. We're only a few months in to this term, so we haven't had time to accumulate the data to see trends yet. But in his first term, the number of green cards that got issued by the US was cut down sharply, https://www.cato.org/blog/president-trump-reduced-legal-immigration-he-did-not-reduce-illegal-immigration or see https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/trump-restrictions-legal-immigration-second-term-rcna151994 if you want a less biased and more neutral source.
You think they’ll treat us better once we become the 51st state?
Oh, heck no. I can't find it now but I recall one of the administration officials saying that Canada wouldn't even be a state, it'd be treated like Puerto Rico (a territory with no voting rights).
Basically, we've got to be prepared to defend this country to the death.
They don’t even treat their current 50 states well.
Yes, I know - I only recently escaped myself from that.
there was an administrative issue
Depends on how one defines "administrative" I suppose, but the term is not inaccurate. You could also categorize it as a political issue, as well as a legal issue.
That’s not being fair at all.
Edit: Enjoy your upvote!
Now, there's a huge irony here. These folks like the guy currently running the show down south, even as he makes it harder for them to (legally) join him and his country.
Like an intra-corporate transfer to the Canadian office of your current US-based employer?
Also, welcome!