For me too. Watching that footage where it's live and the second plane hits and everyone is speechless trying to process. Longest 5 seconds we will ever witness, it's 5 seconds that went from "oh my an accident how could this happen" to "the world is not going to be the same after this, there's no going back"
Your payments are not terrible for today's car market, and you have a practical, late model car. It doesn't seem like you will come out ahead on getting a different car because of the transaction costs associated (registration, etc).
If you don't drive it, it will depreciate slower and when and if it no longer meets your needs you will get more for it. You could probably get an older model for cheaper, but it will inevitably need work and you roll the dice with being stuck with an expensive repair.
You could also lease an electric car with the stupid low lease prices they are offering, but then you are still on the hook for expensive insurance and are in a worse position in three years.
Dump any extra you have into extra payments on the car for an easy 7% ROI, and use it to get groceries once a week.
The other situation is safety. If you are driving a '95, and you have a baby or something, moving to an '08 gets you a lots of advancement in safety and you cannot pay to replace the people you care about.
Once the funding dries up the talent will be forced to leave. The question is, is Europe prepared to take advantage? I'm not so sure- the worst outcome would be talent just being squandered and the world ending up with a lost decade.
You could say fans of the song might need to get thier head checked by a jumbo jet, even though it won't be easy.
Quite the opposite in my experience. Job openings get flooded, but the people that apply just don't have the skills. People from government and big companies seem to have a narrow sliver of experience that doesn't translate well to solving real businesses problems with software, and I include big tech in that as well.
I might be willfully ignorant. I find LLMs to be too specific where it doesn't matter and incorrect where it does. If you can't get specificity or accuracy out of a tool, you need to do the research yourself anyway for any serious pursuit.
Because of the rapid degeneration of traditional search tools though, more and more I've been turning to LLMs to start research.
Call ICE and let them sort it out
The sound of katydids on a summer night in new england. I haven't heard it like this anywhere else:
I drove one at an ev drive event, and I actually thought it drove interestingly. It was different from other vehicles and I didn't mind driving it.
On the other hand, the panels that make it up look like something I made in my garage with some stainless plate and a plasma cutter. It looked very "kit car" when you got up close to it. I can appreciate a hobbyist welding plate together to make things but one would assume Tesla should have at least a waterjet cutter to produce clean edges.
Also, it is irresponsible to fund Elon musk.
I don't think it was the destruction of the building, but rather the implications of the inevitable maybe century to follow which would bring reduction in human rights, war, chaos, political upheaval.
One could argue that the political chaos were in right now could be traced back to 9/11. I was relatively young on the day, but still an adult who fully grasped the fork in the road this would take us down, and I was not wrong or overreacting.
It was our Franz Ferdinand.