Born and raised in MN. Snow gives you a chance to learn how to ski, and isn’t terrible to drive in when you relax and are patient.
Completely understandable. I originally tried to play as a mage, and that was a horrible choice. I restarted, putting everything into 2-handed weapons, and that’s been a much better choice. It’s actually fun now.
I’ve been slowly working through Morrowind, and while some of the mechanics and gameplay feel dated, there’s so much to love about it.
Aside from the world building, and the storyline where you have to earn your prophetic self instead of being handed it like in TESV… having to actually listen to people in the game and work out the details of quests feels so rewarding when it gets accomplished.
Also, the game gives such a guilty feeling that when you’re looting ancestral tombs, making sure the players know they’re grave robbing from families and their heritage …
Ahh yes, the opposite of flying. Thanks for the correction!
If you’ve ever played Super Mario Bros 3 (or other Mario games where this same suit is found) there’s a Tanooki suit, which is the one that lets you fly!
The two aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.
I can’t believe Guinness World Records dropped that category in 2006. Low-key makes me sad.
In journalism school, one of our profs had us watch this video (and then tested us on it) to cement that simple words make a big difference (I won’t lie, I was tempted to say impact there).
It’s amazing that we don’t have to deal with this anymore for a lot of consumer electronics. Or someone running the microwave, disrupting an antenna signal.
It’s not a phenomenal game, but it did look and sound pretty nice.