
joined 3 months ago

i remade it, the other fursona was very simple and could be mistaken as other characters.

i think it looks more like me now, a truesona yea!! made using inkscape and gnu/linux mint of course

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

without forums or decentralized social services i wouldn't have met my husband

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

oh nevermind, i'm looking at their website and yea they have an app for android and linux called "interstellar", ok!! i'll just choose a server then

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)

mbin!! thank you, is there an android client for it??

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 days ago (1 children)

thank you, i will try pixelfed, i am excited to be in the fediverse way more

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago

i'm sorry but i am not an enjoyer of microblogging!! but thanks, pixelfed could work


please help me, i want to post my art and some coding stuff i think some people might find interesting, but i don't want to flood or make it look like i'm spamming posts on a lemmy group!! and you can't post things on your profile. what other websites are there?? that are also fediverse? please. if not fediverse, then what other websites come to mind? thank you


what the heck!! that is so wild, mind blowing, i thought the main difference between raster graphics and vector graphics was the quality but i didn't think about it too deeply.

i had no idea svg files actually used html code and pretty much could be modified using only text and amazing code woa!!! this opens up the possibility for so many things on linux i think.

for example, on a linux distro, we could modify the desktop environment and make it waaaaay lighter by getting rid of jpg or png icons and just using pure svg on it.

svg can be given a lot of attributes like movement, mouse hovering, change color, change anything. and most svg files are still under a megabyte. wow.. please let me know other fun facts about svg or eps files. i really like doing graphic design on linux and inkscape.


i know i can use the flatpak version and i did try that one out on my other laptop but, i think it will come to the package manager when some stuff is fixed??? thank you


i have been using linux mint and i enjoy the automatic updates feature of course!! it makes it easier to update flatpaks and packages! great, but, i also remember i was a user of ubuntu (xfce) and it had the same software but it was kind of weird because it only updated packages i think so.

is there any software or apps that you can download on other distros that do the same thing that linux mint does in regards to updates?? that it updates flatpaks and packages and everything. thank you very much, that would make my system more stable and up to date.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

what the frick!! oh my gosh i would never print anything like that, yea, it's just the inner shadow. actually that's a poster a friend wanted me to print and give him and i thought the art was cool so i printed another one for myself

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

i'm happy that you think i have a printer hehehh i will now give you all the info about it. ok!

well, first of all, i don't have a printer in my house! nop i don't. what i do though is basically, i use inkscape, and i open up a new canvas and set the size to "tabloid/ledger", but why that size? well, that's the one all print shops use by default, and you can fit two letter-sized images on tabloid-sized paper. and basically that's what i do! i just go around browsing the web for cool fanart and when i find one, i just put it there on the canvas and change its size so that it fits nicely on the page, and after that, i export it to jpg (but never ever forget to give the image 300 dpi please!! that gives it a much bigger and better resolution, ideal for printing).

after all that is done, i just drop the files in a usb and visit my nearest print shop and just tell them to print them in whatever material i want. and when i get home i just cut them with scissors or with an exacto knife.

and that's why graphic design is very fun!!


yeah, that includes my water bottle, my laptop, and definitely my work corner!! it feels comfy and ok there


one of my artworks that i posted on reddit and here and on furaffinity too were posted on the e6 site (you know which one..), is that legal?? can they do that??? why is my art there if i don't even like the 18+ stuff nor draw it or have an account there... so it was posted without my permission, which, it's ok but that site is umm.. extreme

i know there's a takedown form but i want to know why, i'm curious


i was thinking about that recently, if that is a huge distance, does someone see the same night sky?? the same moon and stars?? because it's a big distance i think, it would make sense for them to maybe see another set of stars further away from the ones that i see!!

i was talking about this with my long distance husband recently, if at night, he sees the same stars i see!!!


my lover is a very high iq person (140) and he's so awesome and yea has a lot of knowlegde about a lot of things, but recently i took an iq test and i got 85, it sucks, i told him that i hope that does not affect any aspect of our relationship!! and i'm not going to sugar code it but honestly i think that difference does cause a bit of trouble in our relationship because i am aware that my low iq may cause problems or it could make him feel annoyed/bothered!! what can i do to improve that?? i love him so much and i don't want him to feel like i don't understand him, sometiems i don't a lot but, i always understand the general idea of the stuff he likes and i'm always seeking out more knowledge from him and the wider internet. thank you!!!

edit: i've always thought i was 100 or 150+ iq because i am interested in open source software, linux, foss, gnu, the fediverse, and reading, etc!! programming too


i'm not angry at social media or anything!! i just really want my own space in the web for expressing myself and for posting all my art and programming snippets. i could potentially build a website and use github to host it, is that good?? even if it's not a known website, i still would like it. again, i am not mad or sad with social media but.. i think some of it is taking a lot of my time!! i'm going to be honest tho, on my reddit account i just got to 1k karma!! because i've posted art and memes people have upvoted! but oh well, thank you


if the 90's were defined by classic retro videogames with pixel and "old" graphics, then why was music and images so high quality?? for example, in 1995 radiohead released "the bends", a cool album!! but it doesn't sound like it was made in 1995, because in 1995 videogames were pixelated and had blurry graphics, shouldn't it have been that way too?? if technology was that way in 1995?? why does that album sound so high quality and modern if it was made around the same time old retro games were made?? thank you!?


is that harmful for my future job opportunities?? what if a company wants to see my iq and they see 86? am i not able to do a lot of things?? i mean i like linux, i've programmed websites and stuff so i thought i had 130 or 120 iq!!! but oh well, what will happen?? now that i know my iq?? thank you!!

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