Fun fact: the American studios tried to do that in Australia, and about fifteen years ago, the court system said “yeah nah not happening” and that they could only sue for the cost of a movie ticket. Needless to say, that’s not cost effective. So they don’t bother anymore
Aww. What’s wrong with Nicole? She just wants friends /s
drumpf... ignorant? oh the humanity!! /s
it's only legal if you are a MAGA cunt.
All because people think going vegan is too extreme. Meanwhile, we are destroying our planet, our lives, and killing 3T animals a year.
Welcome! We're all pretty friendly around these parts, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
so this will make things cheaper, right? right?
just like how the, i think, alabama tried making pi be equal to 3.2. They literally tried to change maths legally. Thankfully it failed
In the english speaking world, we say, fuck around and find out. I feel sorry for people like this... until i realise this is literally what they voted for. Suck shit arsewipes.
brave of you to assume there will be another election.
aww yiss. This is how you do it! Go NS!
he WAS the richest, but last i saw, his personal net worth went down $200B! the largest loss of net worth ever. Keep it up guys and he'll be in the gutter