As seems to be the consensus, I still find people in their 20s physically attractive, but the prospect of spending any significant amount of time talking to most people more than 5 or so years separated from my age is pretty exhausting. If we're talking long term relationships, I'd rather compromise a bit on looks in favor of a roughly contemporary personality than vice versa. And, as I get older, my threshold for "attractive" softens a bit to accommodate that personality.
They announced an Illuminatus series in 2019, and I haven't heard anything since. I hope COVID didn't kill it.
It can't be "made" political, it is already explicitly political.
Book: Illuminatus
Comic: Invisibles
Technically they're both series, but I read each one bound as a single book so I'm counting it.
We don't know you
Do one with his campaign promises, and revel in the awkwardness as no one ever wins. Plus, it will give everyone personal reasons to fact check him every time someone does claim it.
Gotta stop going high. We know their tactics, we know how their brains work. We need to stop trying to devastate them with irrefutable facts, they don't care. Turn their own methods against them, destroy them in their language. The left has better trolls and meme lords, let's use them.
Probably wouldn't do that, capitalists are heavily invested in Student Loan Asset-Backed Securities (SLABS), basically the same as '08's famous Mortgage Backed Securities but backed by student loans instead of mortgages. Whatever they would do in regards to student loans would be much more malicious against those who owe them
Don't give them ideas
Way better then avoiding Amazon for a week or organizing Trump protesting on Wednesdays.
My dish soap smells like delicious citrus but I know better than to taste it.
Mixture of experts is the future of AI. Breakthroughs won't come from bigger models, it'll come from better coordinated conversations between models.