Is that the complete text?
Israel good, Russia evil. Is that so hard to understand?
Asked about the shooting on Saturday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he supported Ben-Gvir's policy to increase access to weapons even if it meant civilians like Castleman could be killed.
I guess he thinks left=stanilist.
Sounds like people who think that socialism is when the government does stuff.
Care to explain?
I know about the Wikipedia page. However it doesn't talk about "millions of deaths". How did you manage to miss this one point I made?
I am not sure what you want to tell me. But if you have proof that millions of uygurs were killed by China as the guy I replied too said, please send it.
Millions of murders in China? Really mate? That is the biggest take on xinjiang I have ever heard of.
I really need help understanding this text:
w = with?
.... So do you think if the companies would need to pay the tax, they wouldn't just transfer the cost onto you? What would this solution make better?