GTAVI will not be just a console exclusive, probably it will become an Epic Store exclusive on PC. There could be tons of useless discussion about what companies shoud or should not do; but in the end, companies exist only to the extend of their customer's money. T2 strategy paid off, becouse their customer bougt GTAV repetedtly when came on PS3 generation, then PS4, then PS4Pro, then Epic Store and etc. etc.They sold one single AAA multiple time with relatively low effort (definetly not the cost of this many AAA games): their growth was done on their customer's stupidity, so they now employ the same exact stratgy that works on stupid people... and make money.
BattleBorn, Lawbreakers, Skull&Bones and Concord; the biggest f* to AAA (and "AAAA") industry. You crash, so the Indie rise.
They will monetize GTVI like GTAV, they will double/triple dip with exlusivity on both hardware (console) and PC launcher (Epic): customers wallet voted for this to the bone.
Don't forget you can always backup and store all your games, the EULA companies make you sign don't substitute the laws: if they are selling you stuff, if the use the word "buy"... they either owe you a product or they are lying.
The argument of the "exclusivity" is a really weird one; I know there's some social engineering so people get aside logic in favour of tribalism.
But you don't need that much logic, it's really basic.
- If a game isn't exclusive for your console... you can still buy and play it
- If there exclusive games for your console... by competition rules the console of "your enemy" also need to have exclusives: less choice you have in the run.
Not for cyberpunk 2077 on GoG, Assassin Creed [stuff] on uPlay, whatever EA thing EA is selling on Origin etc. Also, you can sell steam keys for your own gane, on your own store, without having to pay Valve.
Well the industry is looking at Baldur's Gate 3 to learn how fantasy RPG are supposed to be made. CEO thinks the only thing really missing is the only thing BG3 does NOT have.
I swear, in the future history books end of 1900 and early 2000 will be see as the era of "joke industry"... and the clowns are all the CEOs. Same shit with VR and their closed ecosystem, instead open source such as Linux, Apache server and HTML open standard that made what internet is today.
Corpo shit: "We will have hardware with this great math/science discover. But it will wallgarden so the hardware will strictly tied to make us money and nobody else"
Common sense: "what about open source? It will serve more people and, thus, more money"
fancy new tech becomes fad.
Not a build, what I am thinking it's exactly as a raspberryPi5 is, just slightly more powerful. The idea is to kickstart sort of DIY PC console, in which Valve sell you just the very bare bones (CPU/GPU/ram and only strictly necessary I/O, just like the RPI5 board) + some key license for games to test things out, then anybody can build up whatever they want, even plugging an external GPU if so they desire.
A PC, supposedly being able to replace OS, would be counterproductive as it would "disturb" Xbox closed ecosystem if successful. Something locked like a modern android smartphone would be a bit more conservative, but still dangerous if successful.
At this point the most closed/safer option for Microsoft is to simply roll out a mobile Xbox (protected and customized hardware to make impossible to use as alternative). Microsoft could sell at loss, and they could decisively go below SteamDeck price and count that "sleepy Valve" wouldn't counterattack with anything.