
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

That’s fair. I run IT Support and understand this. And at the same time the folks in finance are saying the same shit about our comprehension of basic accounting principles and business needs. Just calling out there’s always perspectives.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago (2 children)

“Very basic things TO YOU” I cannot stress how much most people in the world don’t give a fuck about their browser. It’s an interest to you so you know more about it. To the vast majority of people if it has an address bar, search bar, forward and back buttons then they’re just fine with it. Nothing wrong with either side there.

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

Ows was no where near as organized as the tea party was. Also the tea party was an actual attempt at a party and got involved in politics. While I supported ows it was mostly a protest movement.

[–] 34 points 3 months ago (14 children)

Jumping off in to say if you’re on Lemmy you do not have a concept of what’s considered advanced for the average user.

[–] 16 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I told my SO we need to do our version of Tea Party. Only it’ll be the Espresso Party or something.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

We are the only ones who put people into boxes… I don’t think so. We also look at heritage in a specific at because we’re a country of immigrants with so many different backgrounds. So many of us search for history and belonging that we see in every other country.

[–] 64 points 3 months ago (6 children)

Although I agree with you I feel this is a truly unpopular opinion. No one gate keeps quite like a European.

[–] 33 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Right after S2 of Firefly

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I guess I’m saying folks who are interested in a console handheld are probably not also looking at the deck since it is literally a computer. I don’t disagree on the lack of first party and exclusives. I think they can make a great device, it’s just gonna have a huge lack of content much like the psvr2.

That being said I think there’s a chance they go the route of psvr2 and somehow make the handheld compatible with steam so they don’t have to curate a library given the high cost of game development these days.

[–] 8 points 3 months ago (5 children)

This wouldn’t be a steam deck competitor. At least less directly than it is a switch competitor. And Sony tends to do hardware well, they just don’t have the best pricing track record as of late.

[–] 121 points 3 months ago

Boomer humor…


Not sure how many hand tool users there are here but I’m going to buy a new plane and am debating between a plow plane or a combination plane (both Veritas). Plow plane gets me what I need today which is cutting grooves, dadoes, etc but the combination obviously gets a bit more in functionality and available blade shapes plus it has nickers on both sides so reversible direction. I already have a router plane with a fence which is almost as good as a plow but not quite. Trying to figure out if combination plane has any down sides to it at all that I’m not thinking about before I pull the trigger on it.


I’ve been getting the Willamette Week for awhile now and have really enjoyed the focus on local only news. Curious if folks have other outlets besides the obvious Oregonian they use to get news for state/county/city. I’m just tired of only reading about the major events around the world and country because they are almost exclusively negative topics.


I’m playing on gamepass and haven’t been able to see the new space stations yet. There aren’t any updates available to download for the game so not sure if it’s a gamepass thing or something I’m doing wrong.


Not sure if this is allowed so mods lemme know if it’s not. Just sharing a link to a roasting specific discord I started. Not sure how many fellow roasters there are here but there wasn’t any roasting specific communities I could find so thought I’d start my own.


I have an old ge stereo console from the 60’s. The turntable on it doesn’t rotate anymore and the controls in general don’t work that great. I’ve been trying to find a shop or online resources for some diy repair/replacement but have mostly come up short. I’ve also toyed with just gutting it and replacing with modern stuff. Just curious if it’s a fools errand to try getting these components repaired or not. I can try to find the specific model to share, just don’t have it handy at the moment. But it’s one of the fairly common mcm style consoles with receiver, turntable, and built in speakers.

Sorry if this is too vague, I can try to get more specifics once I get home from work.


Inclusive of all drinks not just coffee. We even have some hummingbird nectar up top for our little wild friends.

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