Specifically Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle. The sequel was a massive disappointment.
Solasta Crown of the Magister for $8.99.
For me it's the best game ever to capture the D&D feeling. The custom Warlock subclass, Timekeeper, is ridiculously fun.
People don't accept that, perhaps, something isn't just "not for them"
I think this is my favorite comment on this whole thread.
It was the first Dragon Age game I played, and I loved it.
Dragon Age Inquisition. It's fuuun.
Ooo, I loved Veilguard, so maybe I'll love this, too.
I bought it a few months back. Looking at my play time, I guess I didn't care for it too much. Oh well, I guess it's better to buy that on sale and see if you like it, than plopping down more money when the new one comes out.
That is absolutely fascinating.
Is that from The Chicken of Tomorrow? I think that has the super weird "Hey there big boy" moment.
Finished Dragon Age Origins + the Awakening expansion, and am now playing Dragon Age Inquisition. It's taking me a bit of time to get used to the differences in spells, skills, and crafting. And why is there no crafting station in the Hinterlands?!? Let me make the things!
It wasn't ICE though.
I mean, that's just common sense