
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 5 days ago

And in more languages than just Swedish too.
English version of the brochure.
More in English here:

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Seems like Leni, Davel and Jaaaane are all alive and posting, not sure who you think is dead?
I think those living the drama enjoy it and thrive from it, seeing as they haven't just created a new account where they would be free from it.

[–] 25 points 1 week ago (2 children)

On a larger scale? Through organizing and engaging in communities, politics and unions. No one can stop it alone.

On a personal scale?
Stop consuming more than you need. Maintain what you already own. Don't buy it because it's better than what you have, if what you have is already good enough. Buy second hand when you can. Lend and loan with friends when it comes to seldomly used tools.

Buy maintainable stuff instead of the cheap copy that has no repairability (Think of the boots theory and don't get tricked into spending more in the long term just to spend less now).

And the hardest bit would be to stop comparing yourself and your life with that of those around you, I think that the rat race is the main driver of consumption together with all that wealth peacocking.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Låter mysigt, hittade inte det när jag var på men jag hittade den här:

[–] 19 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

“We have zero plans to put AI into LibreOffice. But we understand the value of some AI tools and are encouraging developers to create … extensions that use AI in a responsible way,”

Att de kör på opt-in AI via extensions för de som vill låter väl alldeles utmärkt, det innebär dessutom att de slipper använda sina resurser på att implementera och kan fokusera på själva programmen.
Finns redan extensions ute för de som vill leka med AI, hur redo de är vet jag inte.
AI assistant with ChatGPT


Jag satt häromdagen och bläddrade igenom de olika lokala nyhetsdelarna av svt och ramlade in på lite nyheter som inte bara handlar om våld, ondska och hemskheter.

Borde den här sortens icke-nyheter men som ändå ger lite feel good-känsla på morgonen få ta större plats i nyhetsmedia?
Är det bara negativa nyheter som genererar klicks eller kan man intressera folk med en video där en älg är bambi på hal is och får hjälp?

Var hittar ni positiva nyheter som utspelar sig i Sverige?

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Helt seriöst så ser jag /c/sweden som en brasa som aldrig riktigt tog sig innan man stängde till så nu dör den av syrebrist.

En morgon som denna har vi ~1000 samtidiga användare på /r/sweden att jämföra med 37 besökare om dagen på /c/sweden.
Vi har ett gäng eldsjälar här som ser till att det kommer lite trådar att snacka i men det räcker inte riktigt till. Själv är jag inte en av dem, det var länge sedan jag bidrog.

Ska vi få fart på /c/sweden behövs det fler trådar att diskutera i och att de som är här lyckas rekrytera fler besökare.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)
[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

That sounds reasonable and I can understand the decision. only gave us this for context:

The chorus of Conte’s empowerment anthem contains the phrase “serving kant” – a queer or drag slang phrase roughly meaning “to express boldness”.

[–] 49 points 2 weeks ago (26 children)

With the abundance of languages in the EU I imagine that allows us to find quite many words that are phonetically similar to rude words of other languages.
Wouldn't it be fun to see if it's only the English language that are afforded such privileges of denial?

On the other hand I don't really care what happens in the eurovision song contest.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

duckduckgo is one of the few search engines that doesn't require javascript to function.
Removes all the fancy stuff and leaves you with search results and nothing else.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago works just fine without allowing javascript to run at all, and don't seem to load the trackers if you deny cookies. I did get a page popup where they pleaded but didn't force me to subscribe if I allowed the optout domain to run javascript.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago

The very same.

They're lobbying the EU for backdoors in e2ee so they can sell their tech stack to scan all our private communication.


Joel Bethke @Fenrirthviti · 1 day ago Author

As an update to everyone following, I had a meeting today with the Flatpak SIG and Fedora Project Leader, which was a very good conversation. We discussed the issues, how we got here, and what next steps are. For anyone not interested in the specific details, the OBS Project is no longer requesting a removal of IP or rebrand of the OBS Studio application provided by Fedora Flatpaks.

This issue should be used for tracking of the other specific, technical issues, that the Fedora Flatpak does still have, which I will address below.

From our perspective, there were two key points that we feel are the most important to address:

The issue with the Qt runtime having regression
The issue of not knowing where to report bugs for what is a downstream package

For the first bullet, this should be resolved with the update to the latest runtime, which includes Qt 6.8.2 that has the fixes for those regressions in it.

For the second, this is obviously a much larger issue to tackle, especially for a project as large as Fedora. We had some very good discussion on how this might be accomplished in the medium-long term, but don't consider it a blocker at this point. We plan to stay engaged and offer our perspective as an upstream project.

In addition to those two previously blocking issues, we discussed a handful of other problems with the Fedora Flatpak. I'll keep the details high level in the interest of brevity on this update:

OBS Studio running on Mesa LLLVM pipe instead of with hardware acceleration (i.e. the GPU)
X11 Fallback leading to OBS crashing
VLC Plugin not behaving as expected in the sandbox, needs testing
Shipping of third-party plugins in the Fedora Flatpak

The discussion was positive and they are actively working to resolve those issues as well, which should hopefully only affect a small number of users.

I would like to give a final thank you to Yaakov and the FPL for taking the time to talk to us today.


The OBS Studio open-source screencasting and streaming app has called out Fedora's poor Flatpak packaging of the application and is threatening as going as far as legal action if it isn't addressed.

Flathub in Discover app on Fedora KDE:

Kinda arrogant to host their own OBS Flatpak that doesn't work as it should and redirecting users to it when using the GUI.

And as they are a version behind in their own "Fedora Flatpaks" it now loops too:


I often only use the left earpiece when listening to music and that can make stereo-mixed songs sound really weird. Instead of remixing my library to send all audio on both L and R it's easier if I can ask my player to do that for me.
On the desktop it's as easy as going to Audio settings and choose "Stereo Audio Output Mode" to "Mono" but I find nothing like it in the Android app.
I imagine I'm not alone.
How have you solved it?

On your Android settings (check the Hearing Accessibility menu) there is systemwide mono output availability on some devices.


Så utredningen har kommit fram till att vi ska få låna mer och amortera mindre. För att hjälpa nya köpare att komma in på marknaden.

Men kommer det inte bara leda till att priserna stiger och att den som har 300 000 SEK i kontantinsats nu budar upp priset till 3 000 000 SEK istället för 2 000 000 SEK och amorterar 27 000 SEK (1% av 2,7M SEK) per år istället för 34 000 SEK (2% av 1,7M SEK) per år och blir än mer räntekänslig eftersom lånet blivit såpass mycket större?

Sist jag kollade på bolån begränsade banken till 4,5 gånger årsinkomsten, så ett skuldkvottak på 5,5 gånger årsinkomsten kommer i realiteten inte ändra mycket. Kanske att bankerna låter en låna mer eftersom de har ett explicit statligt godkännande på att ta större risker.

Och den som drömde om en 1:a eller 2:a ser sig fortsatt utkonkurrerad av de med större besparingar/rikare föräldrar.
Den enda jag ser hjälpas av ändringarna är de som redan äger och som ser sin bostad stiga i värde (men inte lånet) men det har ju bara betydelse om man ska sälja / låna mer för att renovera.
Kan också kortsiktigt hjälpa plånboken genom minskad amortering.


cross-posted from:

Once upon a time you could get a small android device with good specs.

It's still my favourite phone, even though it's been retired and is only used as an MP3 player with AUX in the garage nowadays.
I realize that for most people the phone is now a device to consume media through and that the larger screens are helpful there, but having a smart phone that is fully usable with one hand is still something I miss. Often.

Considering that modern androids have about 85% to 90% of their size as display size then a phone with the size of the xz1 compact should get a screen size of ~5 inches instead of the old 4.6 inches.

With the SoC advancements I don't even feel that the phone would require a flagship SoC to interest me. Put a Snapdragon 6, as much battery as you can fit and an AUX input in it and I'm game.

What would make you guys interested in a smaller phone today?


Once upon a time you could get a small android device with good specs.

It's still my favourite phone, even though it's been retired and is only used as an MP3 player with AUX in the garage nowadays.
I realize that for most people the phone is now a device to consume media through and that the larger screens are helpful there, but having a smart phone that is fully usable with one hand is still something I miss. Often.

Considering that modern androids have about 85% to 90% of their size as display size then a phone with the size of the xz1 compact should get a screen size of ~5 inches instead of the old 4.6 inches.

With the SoC advancements I don't even feel that the phone would require a flagship SoC to interest me. Put a Snapdragon 6, as much battery as you can fit and an AUX input in it and I'm game.

What would make you guys interested in a smaller phone today?


I recently learned that crows only eats your crops if you have 16 or more tiles planted. That means you can plant 15 crops early without worrying about the crows at all.

What are other small tips and tricks you guys know?


I'm looking into setting up some monitoring combined with simple automation for my selfhosting. Currently I was thinking about using Zabbix.
I want to:
Track bandwidth usage on a router/fw and on a managed switch and track cpu/ram/disk usage on my vms.
Simple monitoring (up/down/maintenance) on the router, switch, my vms as well as on linux services (jellyfin/forgejo/etc) and windows services (lab for studying work-related tools).
I'm also interested in doing simple https checks on my webuis (i've had a service running but the website returning both 403 and 404 before) and testing nslookup on my internal dns (if the service is up but the lookups timeout I still want to try restarting the service).

Is there any FOSS/FLOSS alternatives that I should look into before diving into Zabbix?


I'm looking into different self hosted open source multiuser password safes and while there are many options I haven't found one with a .deb or .rpm install - only a whole bunch of docker compose.

Do you know of any good options that are included in debian 12 or fedora 39 repositories or at least that has a .deb or .rpm?

Currently I'm using keepassxc but been asked for something that either has a webui login for end users or an android app.

edit 2024-02-17:
After looking into the .deb and .rpm options available (passbolt or unofficial vaultwarden-deb) I decided to bite the bullet and install a debian 12 vm that I will try out different docker solutions on.


A pattern for those like me that prefer not having to water and weed their farm every morning.
Turning 2x star tomatoes (sell value 2x34) into 2x star tomato seed packages (sell value 2x60) seems to be a great way to generate wealth offline. Just make sure the seed makers are filled up when you log off.

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