Seems like Leni, Davel and Jaaaane are all alive and posting, not sure who you think is dead?
I think those living the drama enjoy it and thrive from it, seeing as they haven't just created a new account where they would be free from it.
On a larger scale? Through organizing and engaging in communities, politics and unions. No one can stop it alone.
On a personal scale?
Stop consuming more than you need. Maintain what you already own. Don't buy it because it's better than what you have, if what you have is already good enough. Buy second hand when you can. Lend and loan with friends when it comes to seldomly used tools.
Buy maintainable stuff instead of the cheap copy that has no repairability (Think of the boots theory and don't get tricked into spending more in the long term just to spend less now).
And the hardest bit would be to stop comparing yourself and your life with that of those around you, I think that the rat race is the main driver of consumption together with all that wealth peacocking.
Låter mysigt, hittade inte det när jag var på men jag hittade den här:
“We have zero plans to put AI into LibreOffice. But we understand the value of some AI tools and are encouraging developers to create … extensions that use AI in a responsible way,”
Att de kör på opt-in AI via extensions för de som vill låter väl alldeles utmärkt, det innebär dessutom att de slipper använda sina resurser på att implementera och kan fokusera på själva programmen.
Finns redan extensions ute för de som vill leka med AI, hur redo de är vet jag inte.
AI assistant with ChatGPT
Helt seriöst så ser jag /c/sweden som en brasa som aldrig riktigt tog sig innan man stängde till så nu dör den av syrebrist.
En morgon som denna har vi ~1000 samtidiga användare på /r/sweden att jämföra med 37 besökare om dagen på /c/sweden.
Vi har ett gäng eldsjälar här som ser till att det kommer lite trådar att snacka i men det räcker inte riktigt till. Själv är jag inte en av dem, det var länge sedan jag bidrog.
Ska vi få fart på /c/sweden behövs det fler trådar att diskutera i och att de som är här lyckas rekrytera fler besökare.
Seems like SecuROM won't install from playing singleplayer:
With the abundance of languages in the EU I imagine that allows us to find quite many words that are phonetically similar to rude words of other languages.
Wouldn't it be fun to see if it's only the English language that are afforded such privileges of denial?
On the other hand I don't really care what happens in the eurovision song contest.
The very same.
They're lobbying the EU for backdoors in e2ee so they can sell their tech stack to scan all our private communication.
And in more languages than just Swedish too.
English version of the brochure.
More in English here: