
joined 1 year ago

Would someone please think of the tourism industry!

[–] apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world 11 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

No they will not.

[–] apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world 38 points 7 hours ago

The response to Bin Laden, the PATRIOT Act, was also more dangerous to democracy than he was.

[–] apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world 19 points 23 hours ago

Metaphysical scholars never knew this one weird trick to separate your spirit from paper.

Frank is the golden goose.

While banning them from Canada and Mexico. Makes sense. Checks out.

I explained no plots.

[–] apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world 18 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Tbf this is not exclusive to open source software. iOS famously didn't have "copy and paste" until version 3, for instance. The zealots were the ones that insisted that it was unnecessary until Apple rolled it out.

Plex constantly has requests for obvious features that are stated to not be on their roadmap.

Yes it is frustrating, but it isn't exclusive to open source development.

Krita all the way.

[–] apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

If anyone is Karno, when his mind was fogged, this is a bad joke and not an explanation of Darmok and Jalad.

[–] apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

They had these five lights...


The only time my neighbor starts a fire in their back yard is when there is a red flag fire warning. We don't have many of these warnings per year, like one or two. On these days, they have a fire without fail. Yeah, they're a libertarian. Loves Rogan and Musk. Fucking dangerous, these people. Adolescent contrarians have more functioning logic.


An MXR Dynacomp clone that I put together and painted. I named it Cladode because I was looking at an pickly pear cactus and their pads are botanically cladodes and look compressed. Anyways it was a fun project and it sounds great!

Football the Torts (lemmy.world)
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world

Her mom, a feral one who has avoided our capture, dropped Football on our porch one day and I invited her in. That was about 4 years ago.


With Eintracht and Toppmüller wanting a system switch to a back four, there is a need for additional players. Currently, Tuta, Pacho, Koch, Collins, and Amenda are available for the needs in a back four arrangement.

Rumor is that Eintracht is on the case for Danish right back Rasmus Kristensen from Leeds United. He's recently played at AS Roma as well. Leeds is asking for around €15 million, so Eintracht may consider a loan due to the hefty fee.

Looking at the pulse of fans from Leeds and Roma, and how he played at both, it seems like this would not be a solid starting move, but a depth move. His performances lack quality, despite eating minutes.

English Translation Link: https://www-sge4ever-de.translate.goog/sge-kurz-vor-einigung-mit-daenemark-verteidiger/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Igor Matanović is back from his loan in Karlsruhe, and ready to make his mark at the club. He says he rather likes to be alone at the front, but works well with another striker too. Eintracht is said to be flush with striker options this year with Matanović, Marmoush, and Ekitike. I'd personally like to see Marmoush move back into a 10 position and have both Matanović and Ekitike play a dual striker formation. There is still plenty of time before the start of the season. Training and the friendlies in North America will give us some clues.

English translation of the article: https://www-sge4ever-de.translate.goog/igor-matanovic-ich-freue-mich-extrem-wieder-zurueck-zu-sein/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Translation into English:

IPO could make equity increase possible

According to information from Bild on Sunday, Eintracht is toying with the idea of going public. Interested parties are to be offered a package of shares, which, however, does not include voting rights at the Annual General Meeting. With the sale, Eintracht wants to increase its equity (currently 60 million euros) by 50 million euros. CEO Axel Hellmann is said to have recently instructed the Supervisory Board to examine the move. At a press conference on Friday, Hellmann indicated: "We are interested in sustainably securing capital procurement. Our own equity base and securing liquidity in order to remain capable of acting beyond one season." According to the members' resolution, the registered association may not hold less than 60 percent of the shares and a potential investor may not acquire more than 24.9 percent in order to prevent a blocking minority.

Hellmann continues to agitate the fanbase, at least from my perspective. This would make me far far less interested in the club, if it were to happen. You'd have a hydra of interests controlling how the club behaves and we have that problem enough already.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world to c/eintracht@lemmy.world

Hellmann gave a press conference interview where he talked about the analysis of last season. The analysis covered different aspects, including self criticisms from the staff. He believes Eintracht has a really strong team with a strong coaching staff, but thinks they have to make fans believe again.

He said something that he may come to regret in his exact choice of words:

This club has its own peculiarities and that does not depend on where we are in the league table. Please do not take this in pyrotechnic terms: We have to turn this stadium into a castle in which we can ignite people.

While his statement is very true, we might see some ultra light shows at his request this season. 😆 🔥 🧨 🔥

Original story: https://www.sge4ever.de/axel-hellmann-will-das-stadion-wieder-zu-einer-burg-machen/


It has been known for some time, but now it is official: After 304 competitive matches and 24,606 minutes of competitive play for Eintracht Frankfurt, Makoto Hasebe is moving. Not the club, but from defense to the sidelines: The Asian with the most Bundesliga games of all time (384) will stay with the Eagles and will be Dennis Schmitt's assistant coach in the new U21 coaching team for the 2024/25 season alongside Arber Mustafa and Dennis Merten (focus on analysis). This will be the first time that the 2018 DFB Cup winner and 2022 UEFA Europa League winner has taken on a coaching position, but Hasebe is not breaking new ground. The 114-time Japanese international took his first steps in coaching during his active career. At the end of 2021, he successfully took part in the DFB 'Players Pathway' project, as part of which he coached the then U15 team at Riederwald, among others. The 40-year-old now holds the B+ license. Hasebe, who was named Asia's international footballer of the year in 2018, will start his duties on September 1st and will bring his experience from almost 700 competitive matches as a professional to Eintracht's oldest training team.

Alexander Richter, head of the youth performance center: "We are very, very proud to have won Makoto as a coach for our youth performance center. He has shown great interest in starting his coaching career with Eintracht Frankfurt's youth team. We are very happy to accompany him on this path and will try to develop him further in this new role. In the first few meetings, Makoto was very friendly and open and we are sure that our boys can benefit as much as possible from his extensive experience."

Makoto Hasebe: "I am of course looking forward to the new challenge and am very grateful to Eintracht for giving me this opportunity. I am also incredibly happy to be able to continue working at this club. I was a professional footballer for 23 years and have gained a lot of experience during that time, but the job of a coach is completely different. First of all, I need to gain as much experience as possible in my new position and develop myself step by step."

Archived Link: https://web.archive.org/save/https%3A%2F%2Fnachwuchs.eintracht.de%2Fnews%2Fhasebe-verstaerkt-u21-trainerteam-159730


Krösche and Toppmüller continue to speak very directly about Igor Matanović and his development as a target man striker. Could he be a missing piece of the Eintracht formation that unlocks scoring potential of the club?

Translated into English: https://www-fr-de.translate.goog/eintracht-frankfurt/durchbruch-der-neue-zielspieler-eintrachts-hoffnung-auf-den-zr-93180111.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc

Archived Link: https://web.archive.org/save/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fr.de%2Feintracht-frankfurt%2Fdurchbruch-der-neue-zielspieler-eintrachts-hoffnung-auf-den-zr-93180111.html


Buried under Bahoya's kid bro attaching himself to the SGE, and Trapp's thoughts on the first day of training, there is a blurb about transfer poaching. Krösche expects Willian Pacho and Omar Marmoush to get offers from the EPL in August once the transfer window starts to shake out. For context, Transfermarkt currently has Pacho's value set at €35m and Marmoush's set at €22m. The fees established by Krösche seem to indicate that he's declared them as off the market.

Link Translated to English: https://www-sge4ever-de.translate.goog/sge-kompakt-bahoya-bruder-vor-eintracht-wechsel/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Archived Link: https://web.archive.org/save/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sge4ever.de%2Fsge-kompakt-bahoya-bruder-vor-eintracht-wechsel%2F

Højlund Signed (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world to c/eintracht@lemmy.world

Eintracht appears to have signed Oscar Højlund as training begins.

Birdsite link https://x.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1811029319516320144

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