What the actual fuck
Functionally useless. With the web standardized, we shouldn't need user agents anyway. It would be more beneficial to ask "do you support X, Y, and Z?"
I plan to be early to the point where I get uncomfortably anxious if I leave on time. I set alarms and reminders to remind me that I need to start thinking about getting ready. I try to be ready way ahead of time. I am experiencing this right now.
Install power mode and you won't be able to stop just idly pressing keys. Eventually, some of those key presses will be useful!
The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter
My friend and I had a dynamic like that in a campaign. He was playing a dwarf barbarian who only spoke dwarven and I was playing a dwarf witch. When his barbarian would mouth off in dwarven about the party, my character would "translate" to something like, "He wishes you all good luck."
Not cause it's a good language or nothin' scoff who would do that?
Francesca or Frankie
nginx is mature and has a lot of support online. A lot of server projects assume you're using nginx, as well. I've only ever seen caddy instructions on newer projects and even then, they usually also have nginx instructions.
Plus, I already know how to use it.
That sounds delicious
You're part of the way there by setting the token count higher. Context will make the model "remember" more, so that's helpful for generating responses up to the token count.
If you haven't already, go into the settings menu and make sure "Continue bot responses" is turned on. If it is, pressing the submit button with no input should make the bot add onto what it output before.
Okay, but why not just breed the almonds? /j