
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Prices in Ireland for 12 eggs are €3.75 for free range or €2.70 for barn

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

A quick visit to Twitter would make the answer abundantly clear - no

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Maybe it will, but for the time being it hasn't. The experience is so vastly better than Twitter, that it's a no brainer to jump over. It also helps to have a decent competing platform that people like to suck users and influence away from the platform that Musk turned into a cesspit.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (9 children)

Bluesky is like Twitter but with about 1/10th the idiots, and no mechanism that the idiots can elevate their racist, moronic hot takes above other comments.

[–] 21 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I certainly find it funny that Tesla's waiting list went from five years down to zero. Even Tesla's biggest fans who actually stumped money on this thing produced video after video griping about its price & brokenness.

But frankly it was kind of obvious from the get-go that it would be an expensive, uninsurable, lemony asshole death mobile. I wonder if the next time Tesla announces something and Musk spews lie after lie about it that people will start to cotton on that nothing he says can be taken at face value.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

It's definitely weird all right. Starts off like you're riding Elliot's bike into the sky and ends up like some hallucinatory trip to ET's home world which is all neon and tie dye with bad animatronics, talking mushrooms and other weirdness.

Despite being trippy it's actually a very nice ride to go on because the lines tend to be short and it's blessedly well airconditioned with the line mimicking standing in a pine forest at night. I can't see the Florida ride lasting much longer because it must be over 30 years old by this point. I think it's only gone that long because that section of the park has been relatively static in terms of development.

[–] 16 points 1 month ago

Seems highly unlikely but we'll see.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Next he’ll be wearing a swastika on his arm and claiming “oh this is just a whirling log, a symbol of prosperity and peace”. And also “oh this is just a very black uniform that Hugo Boss made for me”

It's used by many cultures, e.g. my whirling log example. And the point is Elon would wear it as an Nazi emblem and then riff how it was a symbol of peace. Just like pretending his fascist salute was a Roman salute.

[–] 26 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Next he'll be wearing a swastika on his arm and claiming "oh this is just a whirling log, a symbol of prosperity and peace". And also "oh this is just a very black uniform that Hugo Boss made for me"

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I don't think he has one. He's one of those people convinced of their rightness and will see it through no matter the suffering it causes, no matter the demonstrable harm he has already done. In a sane world this kook bastard would be laughed at and ignored, minimizing his ability to harm anyone. Or better yet charged with culpable homicide. Instead he'll put in a position that allow him to harm EVERYONE.

[–] 15 points 2 months ago (2 children)

This guy already has a body count and he will kill and kill again.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I'm sure it's all sorts - teams, meth heads, kids, desperates, employees whatever. These "loss prevention" units have to figure the best way to deter theft before it happens, detect theft when it happens, trespass / prosecute thieves, and minimize loss of sales all at once. It's a difficult calculus I'm sure.

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