Ah, I see!
What are your tasks that bore you?
fast forward
You've got a point. Thanks for the encouraging take!
We've done it before and made the lives of millions better. and we can do it again.
What are you referring to? No arguing, just curios.
They're on a path to making things better than the US and once they do, we'll have a new world order. If the US doesn't wake up now, the second half of this century will be very different than the past 150 years.
What are you thinking of?
They tried to make me go to rehab 🎶
I get the reference, but this assassination will indeed lead to CEOs taking more safety precautions. As much as it might feel like a relief, another guy will just fill the position and nothing will change. It's just a warning to the richest, that they need to be more careful, f. i., need to manipulate public opinions even more. Perhaps the health insurance companies will make more of an effort to keep their internal processes secret.
Or am I missing something?
This is why I hate this stuff. I hate people joking about how much coffee they're drinking because they have so much work to do and don't get to sleep. Meanwhile, every coffee joke sounds like this to me.
Neat! How do the glasses work? Do they block red light, making you kind of more awake?
How did you make the graph? I am asking because I am currently searching for ways to get into data stuff. Do you have good ressources?
But isn't the government hosting something like reddit better than the current state? The government is elected after all, while reddit isn't. At the same time, nothing ensures, reddit isn't used for propaganda.