Boomers are ‘46-‘64, the oldest boomers are just now turning 80.
That’s why you begin by taking advantage of the incoming boomer drop off. They’re gonna start dropping fast. Unfortunately, that’s what most of the wealthy and powerful want to take advantage of too.
MoneyGuy has a great rule, 20/3/8. 20% down for no more than a 3 year loan term (36 months), with monthly payment being no more than 8% monthly gross. You could try to refinance with these in mind and see if you qualify, $16k left isn’t a terrible position, but it depends on what the value of the vehicle currently is. If you’re under water on it, you might have a difficult time refinancing in a worthwhile way.
To be honest, the most likely scenario in my mind is some form of war declaration or emergency, suspending elections has precedent during wartime.
Sure would be a shame if people went out at night and fixed it.
Well aren’t you insufferable.
~~Yes~~ No, this is not a great circle route. I missed the fact it’s north of the equator. Like others have said, this is likely due to ATC traffic routing, land, and politics.
Don’t scare me like this. More context in the title!!
No no, that’s Elon’s. Dump still uses Sudafed.
Been like this for a while here. Every few posts just have a title and absolutely nothing else. Using mbin.
Just be accurate next time, there’s nothing wrong with criticizing the things they do wrong, just don’t lie about the facts.
It would be nice if the chat bots could formulate and explore teaching topics that is tailored to the person. Yeah, don’t just write the program for me. Teach me! But I suppose it would have to actually recite facts first before any kind of structured lesson planning.