Pride wasn't a parade. Pride was a riot. The parades are the compromise to stop lighting things on fire until people were treated as people.
... so no contempt of court? Every person "just following orders" from the top on down needs to be arrested, charged, and detained until the courts decide on the punishment for refusing to follow the law. Unless that happens there's no law and no Constitutional Republic in play.
Have fun paying your taxes, fellow peasants.
The US administration did disband/downsize (who can tell anymore since they're being illegally secret about government doings) the agency who develops the annual GDP numbers. In the future it will all be made up numbers to suit their immediate goals.
1984 here we go.
According to the US Supreme Court, a US president cannot be prosecuted for crimes (if they're related to their official duties, but whatever goes, I guess). This means that Canada is faced with the fact that they're being attacked by a foreign power with a ruler not beholden to the rule of law. If they give in, they're going to be conquered by a king who is not bound by a national constitution, legislative body, nor courts. This is an existential threat to their freedom as individuals with rights.
We're now talking big about 200% tariffs! Soon we'll keep upping them to 400 and 1000% to make us feel bigly.
Truly the dumbest timeline.
I'm on board if she brings a whiteboard and schools people after putting forth actual legislation based on real data. She'll be amazing in any political seat she is elected to.
It's a major goal of conservatives and Republicans to destroy free and open thinking. Education and educational institutions are enemies of fascism, so therefore fascists will work to destroy schools.
He disbanded the US government agency that develops the annual GDP numbers. Guess how they'll figure those out next year?
If you guessed "we'll make some up that are higher than last year" then you're spot on.
Not on my machines. Open Source oses and tools are the only way to have a chance at dodging this kind of thing.
This is my life now, isn't it? Cat Facts for eternity ...
She is the best representative Georgia chooses to send. They like being just this fucking dumb. Send her once, you got tricked. Send her twice? You're just stupid and obviously angry enough to hurt everyone else just because you're in pain.
When the various circuit courts allowed slower level judges like Canon to keep not enforcing good law on the people staging a coup, the judges allowed the Constitution to be destroyed. It's just a piece of paper unless it's upheld and defended.
The right wing has been undermining the federal courts for decades with unqualified ideologue appointments and this is the result. The rule of law is gone and the coup needs to remove any and all remaining opposition. It's classic dictatorship 101 to remove judges who oppose you, both through legal and violent means. The courts failed to act as a body of law for decades and now they are in serious trouble.