Congrats! That's wonderful, cheers to you and your family, internet person!
In my role I get copious email, direct, cc'd for visibility or automated stuff.
In Gmail, I build a rule to label and archive automated things like alerts or bills and keeps them out of my inbox and I can choose to engage at my leisure.
For everything else I star and archive. I have a few points throughout the day I triage or act on. Immediate response things get responded too, things I need to address but it's not urgent I star and archive. Then I look through my starred emails occasionally to see if anything has risen in priority for me to address, and I do so. Everything else lays untouched in starred.
What I find is this keeps me close to inbox zero, helps me keep important stuff visible and often stuff I've starred, given time takes care of itself before I engage and I eventually unstar it to never be seen again as it just wasn't important or didn't need my engagement.
It works well for me. Sometimes I get behind, and that's ok. I'm only one person, and I have time boxed time to prevent email dominating my life
My 7yo daughter is deep into Kpop and totally got me hooked when she was 5. Her first concert was Blackpink at 6, and we saw Baby Monster a few weeks back. Additionally, not Kpop, but we took her to Atarashii Gakko last fall. My daughter has better taste than I do.