Going on daily walks or short trips to a gym a couple days per week. I feel so much better after I started consistently exercising, both mentally and physically.
Spot on, buddy. There are efforts in the US Congress to make DST permanent. The main pushback is from the medical community… Humans are not nocturnal animals. Exposure to morning sunlight is linked to better health. Standard time provides more morning sunlight overall. However, people tend to consume more products in the afternoon or evening so it’s no surprise to hear businesses and their protectors, politicians, pushing for more evening sunlight. Switching between DST and standard also results in more accidental deaths and lost productivity, as others have pointed out in this thread. We have a shitty compromise currently in the US and some other countries. Most of the world does not indulge in this absurd practice, so I doubt the US will ever get on the right track in this area. Much like the metric/imperial system problem.
I’ve never heard anyone who likes DST… this thread confirms my bias. Arizona has it right. We have internet now, no need to change clocks, just update your schedules for the season.
Can’t change the default match pattern that iOS uses or add apps to the URI match in Bitwarden iOS. Makes for a few extra clicks on some apps and sites.
That looks awesome! Post a cut loaf picture if you can.
My neighborhood has bulk trash pickup monthly. Most of the bulk trash gets put out the week prior to pickup day. The majority of this trash doesn’t make it to the dump! People with trailers come by and pick up anything remotely usable. I like to think they are reusing/upcycling this stuff but I really don’t know. I see this as a huge win because it keeps stuff out of the dump but it does feel very dystopian to see a junk economy like something from Fallout.
I’m in the USA btw. Others have pointed out that some countries have different laws regarding ownership of trash. Don’t get in trouble with law enforcement, get to know your neighbors better! It’s not trash if they give it to you.
I actually just upgraded my Dell Optiplex 990 SFF to a new full ATX case and had to get a new motherboard. Dell does some funky stuff to their motherboard to get it to fit into their custom cases. For instance the CPU cooler clipped into the case through the motherboard This was one of the ways the motherboard was secured into the case. The other mount points were entirely non-standard so no other case would fit. I did consider making some modifications to the case with a hacksaw before deciding to just get a new case and motherboard. The new Motherboard was pretty cheap because I was using a 4th-gen intel i3. Not great specs but good enough for a homebrew NAS.
I have enough money for an angle grinder and a new used graphics card. But not a fancy new case.
Are there any other common factors between these bad experiences? Sounds like family dynamics are doing at least some of the work that is making these situations bad.
I really wanna see “you just can’t unfuck that couch” take off as a pop culture revision of “the cat is out of the bag” or “you can’t put toothpaste back in the tube”.
I can’t imagine what it’s like taking him to the airport.
My son is ADHD and autistic and caffeine calms him down. Sometimes when he misses his meds we will give him some coffee or soda to get him through to his next dose.