Many things have been changed, its great. And i see a lot of new contributors which is wery good.
Im wery glad that fish dont go in cerclus anymore it was so bugy and bad looking but is now much better. They swim normaly and its joyful to watch..
Mending of items should be fixed now, althou i didnt test that.
Shaders seem to be wery beatiful now, didnt read that they were updated but i notice big change, meaby from some previous update or something..
Also water from previous update is sooo goood now!
I like spear quite a bit, looks specialy usefull for beggining of the game..
Hammer have some interesting and creative mechanic like that you get gravel from mining koblstone (it mealed it so thats why you get gravel) but it seems a litle without a purpose, because axe alredy deals more damage than sword but its slower..
But spear have clear purpose its longer range weapon and also it can be thrown wich is new because bow can only be used as ranged not ranged and maly weapon. So its new and it has its purpose.
But newermind that im wery glad that new stuf is beeng added and a lot of updates were made!
Im glad railing and minecart system has been changed, but it looks wery buggy to me for now, even more than before. But it has better features.
Its placing system has been changed and now its more like in minecraft which is good i think but it doesnt alvause work like it should so thats some new story to fix a gues..
Owerall wery wery good update.